Queremos Amamantar Ratas y Ratoncitos
(Fdo., las Gatas)
"Desde el principio de los Tiempos,
esto nos fue encomendado"
1938 - Cat Adopts Rat:Johnnie, a baby Muskrat, was discovered by Fred S. Parmaiee, who was plowing a corn field. At first the Parmalee family fed Johnnie with a spoon. One morning they found the house Cat nursing Johnnie along with her own four tiny, day-old Kittens. She has mothered him ever since.
Mother Thelma - Around 1950 (The Cat in photos)
Mother Squirrel - 2003 ( Animal Liberation Front )
Cass City Chronicles

Canadian Press - July 15, 2003 05:15 PMCRANBROOK, Canada
A family awoke Tuesday to find their Cat nursing two Mice along with her seven week-old Kittens.
Irene Weller said one of her daughters found some baby Mice in their home the day before."I didn't want Mice in the house". Weller said. So the baby rodents were promptly thrown outside.
But on Tuesday morning, the Wellers saw their Cat Patches nursing and caring for the Mice as if they were part of her litter. She's actually feeding the Mice.
Patches was upset they weren't in the bed. All she wanted to do was lick them.
"When we put them back in the bed Patches calmed right down".
Irene Weller said one of her daughters found some baby Mice in their home the day before."I didn't want Mice in the house". Weller said. So the baby rodents were promptly thrown outside.
But on Tuesday morning, the Wellers saw their Cat Patches nursing and caring for the Mice as if they were part of her litter. She's actually feeding the Mice.
Patches was upset they weren't in the bed. All she wanted to do was lick them.
"When we put them back in the bed Patches calmed right down".

Working in Class 15, 2005 - May 10, 2004: Cat gets maternal with Rats"A female Cat in Changchun, Jilin Province, shows maternal love to Rats when she breastfeeds both her own Kittens and six baby Rats at the same time.
A woman has a female Cat, which recently delivered four Kittens. One of her friends later gave her six baby Rats, so that the Cat could eat them during the breastfeeding time.
A woman has a female Cat, which recently delivered four Kittens. One of her friends later gave her six baby Rats, so that the Cat could eat them during the breastfeeding time.
However, to the surprise of all, the mother feeds them too.
China Pets - 2006: Mimi Is The Mother Of Four Kittens And A Rat From China.
It was one of two Rat babies that her owner brought for her, few days after Mimi gave birth.
Surprisingly, Mimi cleaned them up by licking. The two Rat babies haven't opened their eyes at that time; they crawled over to Mimi, found her nipples and started drinking milk.
One of her Rats passed away in an accident. However, Mimi's still breastfeeding the remaining Rat and Kittens everyday.
SHIJIAZHUANG, CHINA - 2007 : A Cat has adopted a Mouse in Shijiazhuang.
Surprisingly, Mimi cleaned them up by licking. The two Rat babies haven't opened their eyes at that time; they crawled over to Mimi, found her nipples and started drinking milk.
One of her Rats passed away in an accident. However, Mimi's still breastfeeding the remaining Rat and Kittens everyday.
SHIJIAZHUANG, CHINA - 2007 : A Cat has adopted a Mouse in Shijiazhuang.
The Cat brought the Mouse to her residence in a market one day after she gave birth to her Kittens. She dotes upon the Mouse as if it is one of her own offspring, and if separated from each other, the Cat will show distress and search for her baby.
Mama Cat nurses baby Mice - 13 May 2007: A mother Cat in the Turkish city of Zonguldak shocked her owners recently with her adopted family, a group of baby Mice she feeds alongside her own Kittens. Placed in a shed to catch Mice, the Cat, who had just given birth, began nursing and caring for the baby Mice who now sleep and play with their feline siblings.