A Boxer Dog called Billy has become an unlikely surrogate father to a kid Goat at an animal centre in Devon.
Big hearted Billy formed a strong bond with abandoned kid Lily at Pennywell Farm, near Buckfastleigh, where they have become a popular attraction.
As the runt of triplets, Lily was abandoned by her mother because nanny Goats can usually only care for two kids at a time.
Farm workers Katherine Tozer stepped in to hand rear Lilly, but her pet Dog Billy made it obvious he was eager to get in on the parental action.
It soon became clear the Billy was happy to adopt Lilly as his own, and he now looks after her by licking and cleaning her and keeping a close eye on her.
Equally, Lilly seems just as happy to have Billy as her role model.The pair has now attracted quite a crowd at the animal centre and staff there are keen to see how their relationship will develop as Lilly grows up.

Unlikely best friends
A Rabbit and an Eagle have become unlikely best friends in China.
The owner of the Eagle put the rabbit in its cage at Beizhamen Bird Market, Zhengzho City, for the bird’s dinner.
But instead of following its predatory nature, the Eagle made friends with the startled but fortunate Rabbit.
“The Rabbit very humbly combs the Eagle’s feathers with its mouth”, the surprised owner told Oriental Today.“The Eagle is four-months-old, and I threw him the Rabbit for food, but apparently he doesn’t know how to enjoy his meals”.
Kittens Adopted By Rabbit
Six abandoned Kittens have found an unexpected new mother figure - a Rabbit.
Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the three-week-old Kittens to her Aberdeen home.
The Kittens seemed to think Summer the Rabbit was their mother and began to climb all over her and try to feed from her.
Efforts will be made to find the four males and two females permanent homes in the coming weeks.
Melanie, 29, told the BBC Scotland news website: “The abandoned Kittens were handed in when they were about three weeks old and I took them home”.
“Summer the Rabbit was taken inside on Bonfire Night because of the fireworks and the Kittens seemed to really like her and thought she was their mother”.
‘She’s gigantic’
She added: “They were trying to get milk from her and climbing over her. And Summer was not bothered by them at all”.
“Summer is five months old and she’s gigantic. It is lovely to see them all together. “They are all doing well and Cats Protection will re-home them”.
Six abandoned Kittens have found an unexpected new mother figure - a Rabbit.
Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the three-week-old Kittens to her Aberdeen home.
The Kittens seemed to think Summer the Rabbit was their mother and began to climb all over her and try to feed from her.
Efforts will be made to find the four males and two females permanent homes in the coming weeks.
Melanie, 29, told the BBC Scotland news website: “The abandoned Kittens were handed in when they were about three weeks old and I took them home”.
“Summer the Rabbit was taken inside on Bonfire Night because of the fireworks and the Kittens seemed to really like her and thought she was their mother”.
‘She’s gigantic’
She added: “They were trying to get milk from her and climbing over her. And Summer was not bothered by them at all”.
“Summer is five months old and she’s gigantic. It is lovely to see them all together. “They are all doing well and Cats Protection will re-home them”.
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