martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

Mundo o Paraíso - 3

"Según Palabras Del Propio Maestro,
'Mientras No Seáis Como Niños,
No Entraréis En El Reino De Los Cielos' ".

-Jupiter Images, Comstock, Funpic, Dragon Pictures & La Nación-

Juan Pablo Correa cuenta que su hija Sybilla “logró quitarle las mañas que Tilli, nuestra mascota tiene desde hace diez años, tenía con los chicos. En la foto, desayunan juntas, comparten una medialuna, como tantas otras cosas”.

María Isabel Pedemonte de Cacace muestra a su hija Marina junto con Atos, el weimaraner de su prima Soledad. “Nacieron con un mes de diferencia y la gorda lo adora: lo agarra de la cola, le da palmaditas y abrazos. Y no duda en ofrecerle su mamadera. Atos, encantado, es un buenazo y se deja hacer de todo sin protestar”.

“Iara y su hermano Blanc, un Maltés de ocho años, son los mejores compinches : comparten la comida y hasta andan juntos en monopatín, cuenta la madre. En lo que no se extiende es en las peleas de los dos ‘por querer estar pegados a mamá’”.

“Comen la misma comida, duermen en la misma cama. Y lo anecdótico es que nacieron el mismo día. Se aman”, analiza Sergio Pavlovsky la relación entre su nieto Franchu y el Labrador Niko. “Se quieren como dos hermanos. Siempre que pueden están juntos. Franchu le enseñó a jugar al fútbol y se divierten mucho”, agrega.

“Mi sobrino Julián y mi perro Pancho son inseparables -cuenta Ana Fernández-. Un día, Julián no aparecía por ningún lado y Pancho estaba muy tranquilo en su cucha… Pero cuando el perro salió de la cucha, a continuación lo siguió Julián. Son muy amigos, luchan en broma por los muñecos de mi sobrino y les encanta ir a comer galletitas a la cucha de Pancho”.

Stefano Pappacena, de 2 años, presenta a su perrita Daysi, de 8. “¡Qué digo mi perrita! ¡Es mi mejor amiga… Mi hermana!”, cuenta vía email, con una expresividad sospechosa para un chico de su edad. Tiene tres hermanos (Leonardo, Nicolás y Luciana), pero con Daysi se divierte más: “La corre por toda la casa, se pone encima, le tira de los pelos, se pelean por los mismos chiches. Le saca la comida de la boca y ella le roba la suya del plato. ¡La de milanesas que se perdió! Se ríe a carcajadas con Daysi”, cuentan sus padres, Graciela y Rubén Pappacena, que le aconsejan que la deje un poco en paz, aunque cuando están separados se buscan uno al otro. “Juegan y corren todo el tiempo. Y cuando al final del día están cansados y listos para ir a la cama, ahí se ponen tiernos, se besan y abrazan como en la foto”, agregan.

Human Infant Suckled By Cow
Hundreds of people have flocked to a village in eastern India to witness the spectacle of a male child being suckled by a Cow. Thirteen-month-old Rahul refuses to be suckled by his mother and instead crawls to a neighbour’s house where a Cow feeds him milk from the udder. Visitors are queuing up to worship both the child and the Cow. Cows are considered sacred by Hindus who constitute 85% of India’s more than 1 billion population. The child’s mother Urmila has told newspaper Pragativadi : “He refuses to take milk from me and goes to the Cow to drink from her udder. The animal patiently feeds him even though her own calf does not get enough milk”. Story filed : 13:57 Friday 8th November 2002.

Mundo o Paraíso - 2

Segunda Serie De Imágenes Y Notas De Un Mundo Que No Acostumbramos Ver...

-Recordatorio: Ninguna de estas imágenes debe ser considerada más que como una muestra de la simpleza en relación a otras Criaturas necesitadas de vivir-.

“There was a lady that had a Cat on board under her seat. The Cat was meowing and generally not happy. The lady had taken the Cat and was holding it. When the attendant noticed, she went to the lady and told her that the pet had to be in the carrier ; then she noted that the lady was breastfeeding the Cat. ‘It calms the Cat down’, she explained”.

Abohar, May 21 - 2007. - Mrs Vijay Luxmi Sahu of Narainpura village has saved a female Fawn by breastfeeding her. She had gone to meet her parents at Dhaani Jodkian, near Kainchian village, in Sriganganagar district earlier this month. Her husband, Mr Vijay Pal Sahu, accompanied her. One day, when their Dog did not return home till late evening, they went to the fields. To their surprise, the Dog was sitting beside a newly born Fawn. People said a Deer had given birth to two Fawns. As stray Dogs chased the Deer, she escaped, leaving behind a Fawn. The couple said they brought the Fawn to their home. They tried to give her Cow milk, but in vain. Mrs. Sahu, who had a seven-month-old son had heard that a resident of Nadhoki village in Hisar district had saved the life of a Fawn by breastfeeding it. She breastfed the Fawn for five days after which she started accepting Cow milk. The Sahu family now treats the Fawn like a member of the family.

YANGON ( Reuters ) - Hla Htay has three hungry infants to feed these days… A seven-month old baby boy and two Bengal Tiger cubs. Three times a day, the Myanmar housewife goes to the Yangon Zoo where she breastfeeds the hungry black-striped, orange-brown cubs rejected by their natural mother. “The cubs are just like my babies”, Hla Htay told Fuji TV as one of the baby big Cats suckled her breast. “It’s not scary at all”, she said of the 45-minute feeds. “I needed to do something for the cubs because I felt really sorry for them”. Three cubs were born at the zoo in mid-March, but their mother killed one and refused to nurse the others. Veterinarians rescued the other two but had little success bottle feeding them. “They had some difficulties sucking the nipple on the bottle. When we tried to get the cubs to suck a lady’s breast, it was alright”, said a veterinarian. The zoo says the breastfeeding will stop by the end of April or when the cubs start teething …Whichever comes first.

"If Your Brothers Were Still Here..."

"A Cheyenne woman lost a small child that was nursing. Soon after her child died she had found a nest of young Kitten Panthers, she waited until the mother Panther was away to hunt food, then she went and took one of the young Panthers out of the nest and ran off with it and the young Panther gave a moan or whine which sounded like the cry of the baby she had lost and the reminder of her dead babe caused the woman to hug the Kitten Panther to her breast and when she did so the Kitten Panther which no doubt was hungry began nursing from the woman. Thus it was taking the place of her dead babe and an affection for the Kitten Panther sprang into her heart and the woman loved this Kitten Panther and she raised it as if it had been her own child, and as it grew up it would kill Deer and other large game and furnished food for the Cheyenne much easier than they could get it in any other way. So other women got hold of young Panthers and raised them the same way as this woman had done".
A Bolivian woman has saved an abandoned one-week-old puppy by breastfeeding it. She found the Dog in a rubbish dump in the town of Cochabamba, reports the “Los Tiempos” newspaper. The woman, who has a 14-month-old daughter, is calling the puppy Manchitas. She said : “I will give the Dog my milk until I can. When it drinks, the puppy behaves like a human baby, no difference at all. I think it’s pretty natural”. Story filed : 09:57 - Tuesday 25th February 2003

Zhouzhi, China. The wife of an animal refuge worker is credited with saving the life of an infant Golden Monkey by breastfeeding it after the mother turned away, reports the China Daily Newspaper.
The rare Monkey, one of a few still existing in China, might have died of an infection withoutnourishment from mother’s milk.

A few years ago my wife and I rescued a Joey whose mother had been killed by a car. The Joey was cold and obviously on the way out, so we wrapped him up and tried to give him something to eat to give him some strength. Nothing seemed to work, then he saw my wife breastfeeding our newborn daughter. When my wife saw the little Kangaroo’s interest, she picked him up and put him on the other breast. The Joey suckled happily until his belly was full and he slipped off to sleep. This went on for a couple of days, until some Wildlife rescue people came to collect the Joey. By that time, he was fit and healthy and full of beans”.

“There was an odd girl in my high school who claimed to have breastfed a kitten, but I always figured she was trying to get attention. I still think I’m right”. “I’ve seen photos of young women in the Andes breastfeeding lambs and kids. One anthropology book says that this is sometimes done when a young animal is orphaned”.

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2008

Mundo o Paraíso

"En El Reino, Lo Que Gobierna
Sobre Todo Es La Inocencia"

-Recordatorio: Ninguna de estas imágenes debe ser considerada más que como una muestra de la simpleza en relación a otras Criaturas necesitadas de vivir-.

Una muestra de lo que representa "Back To Eden", en cuanto a inocencia e interrelación perfectas con respecto a otras criaturas (al igual que en el caso de la tribu Awa-Guaja).

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

Awa Guaja In Danger

Women Of A Tribe
In The Amazon Jungle
Breastfeed Small Primates
And Other Animals

By Jack Boulware - May 3, 2000

Deep in the Amazonian jungle, a rare Indian tribe extends the maternal instinct beyond its own species. In a remote village, the breasts of female humans also feed the urgent lips of hungry baby Monkeys. For centuries, this monkey-feeding tribe, called the Awa Guaja, has survived in an isolated area in northern Brazil. And they are very definitely animal oriented. Whenever a tribal member dies, the Awa Guaja believe the person’s spirit is taken by a Jaguar. Also, women are expected to breastfeed jungle animals from puberty. Monkeys are considered the most sacred of all creatures. Baby Monkeys eat and sleep with the women, are breastfed to their heart’s content and are raised alongside human children. But this strange nomadic tribe may soon be wiped out. Many members of the tribe are seriously ill with malaria and tuberculosis. A nearby mining project also threatens their habitat, as do the ever-encroaching settlers, ranchers and loggers. At first glance, the Awa don’t appear to be much different from other tribes in the jungle. The males go naked except for headbands of bright orange Toucan plumage and armbands of yellow and red Macaw feathers. The women have small Monkeys clinging to their bodies, with some perched on their heads like hats, their tails wrapped around the women’s necks. Not surprisingly, the Awa Guaja are a matriarchal society. Their female chief is an old wrinkled woman named Merikidia, who lives in a central hut and is responsible for everything from arranging marriages to delivering babies. As chief, she often wears a Monkey on her head, perhaps a couple of them wrapped around her thighs, and she shares her home with 12 Monkeys, which chatter loudly as she walks past. But until an organization or government takes steps to preserve the tribe, extinction appears imminent for this unique society of Monkey nursers. “Monkeys are a very important part of their culture”, said Renildo Matos dos Santos. “I have also seen them breastfeeding small Pigs and Raccoons”.