stories will remain here, the pictures in the other entry. Some stories will
have the URL, if the text looks strange, or incomplete, or wrongly written.
Link to the pictures...
"Of all the notes and pictures
which you will see here, the first I found was that of Patches (British
Columbia, 2003, 04); later I started to see one or two more here and there...
When I found the picture of Thelma (first of the other link), I thought that
the series was already over. Then I saw those of Squirrel and Kitty (1st and
2nd after "Dongguan, Guangdong - 12/10/03"); then the images and
notes about the Cats of Changchun, Shijiazhuang, Zonguldak, Yantai, the Cat
Mimi, the three images right before "2008" and the Cat of Jilin; and I thought again that with those it all was finally over...
But now it's like having been looking Dragons who walked freely by my street,
with all the ones I've been finding in less than five months. Because, simply,
none of the things that you're about to read can be fake or invented. In the
really big ocean that is Internet, I found all these pearls, most of which now
can be seen only here...
This post comes only because I chose the
11/3 as the day of the mother Cats who opted -and still do that by own will- to
nurse newborn Mice, or Rats; and so giving some message to the World right
since the 18th Century.
Updated again!!! - Mar 3, 2015
( I wish I could do it for ever )
To Nurse Mice And Rats Was Always Our Job
...But We Always Did It With Love,
And Of Course We'll Keep Doing It.
A new voyage to Italy, Maximilien Misson - 1714 -
"The Stones of Tivoli put me in mind of a memorable accident
related by Alexander Taffoni, in his Various Thoughts. Not many days ago, says
that author, the workmen that were employ'd to dig stone at Tivoli, having
cleft a great mass, found in the middle of it an empty space, in which there was
a living Crayfish that weigh'd some pounds, which they boyl'd and fiat I have
read in another author, that Alexander found a wrought diamond in the heart of
a great piece of marble, and a considerable quantity of sweet and odoriferous
oil in another piece of like marble, which is less incredible, that Tassoni
also relates, that the same year a Cat suckl'd a Rat in Tivoli; but before I
employ'd my Time in reasoning upon such sort of facts, I would be sure of the
truth of 'em, by undoubted proofs".
The Scot Magazine - June, 1752
"Some years ago, at Mr. James Greenfield's in Maryland, was observed a most
surprising sympathy between a Cat and a Rat. It was supposed to have happened
The Cat had young Kittens, and frequently carried them Mice, and other animals
its prey, and among the rest a young Rat.
The Kittens, not being hungry, played with it; and when the Cat came to give
suck to her Kittens, the Rat likewise sucked her".
Social Science - 1787
Cirencester, few years ago. A farmer’s son, near that place, being at work in
the harvest met with a litter of Mice. Recollecting that they had at home a Cat
who just had Kittens, he put them into his pocket alive; and when he returned
he immediately committed them to the Cat, who at that time hung up in a basket
in the house. Soon after, when some of the family took down the basket in order
to give milk to the Cat, as they occasionally did, it was observed that the
Mice were alive, and drinking the Cat’s milk.
1797 - Sports & Recreation
The following circumstance is, however, still more extraordinary, and may be
depended on as a fact. A Cat that had kittened in a barn at Horse-Lunges Farm,
near Lewes, on having her brood taken from her, went in pursuit of them, but,
instead of her Kittens, she found some young Rats, two of which, apparently not
more than a day old, she brought to the place from which her young had been
taken, and there suckled and defended them with as much care and tenderness as
if they had been her Kittens. One of them lived only about two days; the other
the Cat reared till it was able to run about, when one of the workmen, unknown
to his master, killed it, to prevent its escape.
Doctor Carradori, of Prato, in Tuscany, has observed lately two
phenomena, from which the patients would not have failed to draw various
inferences. The one is a Cat suckling a Mouse; the other, a Serpent with two
heads. In a farm belonging to Signor Martini, a short distance from Prato, was found a nest of Mice. They
carried them to the Cat, who had just kittened, and was nourishing her young.
She devoured all the Mice but one, which she placed with her Kittens, and
likewise gave it her teat. “I cannot (says Carradori) affirm that I saw this
extraordinary production myself, because the Mouse had been dead some hours
when I arrived at the place; but the master of the Cat, and the neighbors, all
attested the truth of the fact”. They said also, that the Mouse, faithful to
its instinct, kept away from the Cat, and endeavored to avoid her caresses;
but that the Cat went after it, and brought it back to her young ones. One
night the Cat went out of the house, and the Mouse, deprived of its aliment
during a number of hours, was found dead the next morning.
Priscilla Wakefield - 1811
seem particularly disposed to adopt the offspring of a stranger; but the most
extraordinary instance that I heard, was related to me by a lady, who was an
eye-witness of the fact.
Cat had a litter of Kittens, that were kept in a hamper in the cellar. In order
to please her children, she one day went down to see them. On looking into the
hamper, she found a young Rat among the Kittens, which she ordered to be
taken out.
the next day it was again found, a quiet inhabitant of the same place. And
there was no doubt that the Cat suckled it, and was disposed to bring it up
with her own family.
Spirit of the English magazines - 1829
"These extraordinary arrangements are sometimes the effects of accidents,
and sometimes of the greater force of one instinct over the lesser force of
nature ".
Rat-catcher having caught a brood of young Rats alive, gave them to his Cat,
who had just had her Kittens taken from her to be drowned.
A few days afterwards, he was surprised to find the Rats in the place of the
drowned Kittens, being suckled by their natural enemy.
The Cat had a hatred for Rats, but she spared these young Rats to afford her
the relief which she required as a mother".
The Friend, 1830
Rat-Catcher having caught a brood of young Rats alive gave them to his Cat, who
had just her Kittens taken from her to be drowned. A few days afterwards, he
was surprised to find the Rats in the place of the drowned Kittens, being
suckled by their natural enemy.
James Rennie - 1833
A more singular instance still is related by Mr. Broderip. "On the 27th of
April, 1820, I saw a Cat giving suck to five young Rats and a Kitten; the Rats
were about one-third grown. It was diverting to observe the complacency with
which the young creatures sucked in the liberal stream, which the teats of
their foster-mother supplied; and curious to see the prey cherished by the milk
of the destroyer. The Cat paid the same maternal attentions to the young Rats,
in licking them and dressing their fur, as she did to her Kitten,
notwithstanding the great disparity of size. The man, who exhibited this
phenomenon in the Strand, near Essex-street, said, that the Cat had kittened
fourteen days ago, and at that time had three Kittens at her teats, when he
found this nest of young Rats, which seemed a few days old, and turned them in
at night to the Cat for her prey; in the morning he found the Kittens sharing
the milk of their mother with the Rats. Two of the Kittens were afterwards
destroyed, for fear of exhausting the Cat, by so numerous a family. The man said
that the Cat was a good mouser; but admitted that he had taught her to abstain
from white Mice, which he had been in the habit of keeping”.
Chambers' Edinburgh journal, Volume 3
by Robert Chambers, William Chambers
1835 - Edinburgh (Scotland)
A Cat belonging to Mr Smith, the respectable agent of the Earl of Lucan, at
Laleham, is in the constant habit of taking her place on the rug before the
parlor fire. She had been deprived of all her litter of Kittens but one, and her
milk probably incommoded her. I mention this, in order to account in some
degree for the following circumstance: One evening as the family were seated
round the fire, they observed a Mouse make its way from the cupboard which was
near the fireplace, and lay itself down on the stomach of the Cat, as a Kitten
would do when the is going to suck. Surprised at what they saw, and afraid of
disturbing the Mouse, which appeared to be full grown, they did not immediately
ascertain whether it was in the act of sucking or not. After remaining with the
Cat a considerable length of time, it returned to the cupboard. These visits
were repeated on several other occasions, and were witnessed by many persons.
The Cat not only appeared to reject the Mouse, but uttered that sort of
greeting purr which the animal is so well known to make use of when she is
visited by her Kitten. The Mouse had every appearance of being in the act of
sucking the Cat; but such was its vigilance, that it retreated as soon as a
hand was put out to take it up. When the Cat, after being absent, returned to
the room, her greeting call was made, and the Mouse came to her. The attachment
which existed between these two incongruous animals could not be mistaken, and
it lasted sometime. The fate of the Mouse, like that of most pets, was a
melancholy one. During the absence of its nurse, a strange Cat came into the
room. The poor Mouse, mistaking her for its old friend and protector, ran out
to meet her, and was immediately seized and slain before it could be rescued
from her clutches. The grief of the foster mother was extreme. On returning to
the parlor, she made her usual call, but no Mouse came to meet her. She was
restless and uneasy, went mewing about the house, and showed her distress in
the most marked manner. What rendered the anecdote I have been relating the
more extraordinary, is the fact of the Cat being an excellent mouser, and that
during the time she was showing so much fondness for the Mouse, she was preying
upon others with the utmost avidity. She is still alive.
Gleanings in Natural History
June 10, 1835 - Old Kent Road
- Magazine of Natural History, Volume 9
case in proof of this strong maternal feeling occurred in the stables of D.
Stokes, Esq., a short time ago. As the groom was clearing away some rubbish
from a corner of the hay-loft, he found a nest containing four young Rats,
about three or four weeks old. He immediately took them down into the stable,
to a favorite Cat, of known prowess, not only in killing Rats, but also of
putting many of her ill-fated victims to a lingering death. The groom put the
“young vermin” before the Cat, telling her to make a hearty breakfast of them,
and immediately returned to the hay-loft. On his return to the stable, in about
half an hour, neither puss nor the vermin were to be seen; he therefore though
she had obeyed his orders, and dispatched her early meal.
hours afterwards, he was attracted to a corner of the stable by the soothing
purr of his favorite Cat; and found her performing the duties of a mother to
her foster brood, in a neatly formed nest, which she had constructed for them,
and to wish she had conveyed them in his absence, and for which she evidenced
the strongest attachment. It Is, however, but justice to say, that the Cat had
had her litter of Kittens drowned about three weeks before this occurrence took
place. Puss was not permitted to exercise her maternal duties longer that to
gratify the curiosity of the neighbors.
- Literary Criticism Portland Advertiser - Google Books.
A Rat Nursed By A Cat!
A gentleman of this city, upon whose veracity we can rely, informs us that he
has a Cat which has recently fostered and nursed a large Rat with as much care
as she would show towards her own offspring. She first brought it into his
house about a fortnight ago, carrying it by the neck in the manner the Cats
usually carry their Kittens. She seemed particularly anxious to shield it from
harm, and finally carried it to a snag in one of the closets where she was
accustomed to sleep, and laid down with it; the Rat all the while seeming to
take her manoeuvres as coolly though they were in the common course of things.
Curious to know how far she would carry her strange penchant, the gentleman
pushed the Rat back into the middle of the room. Grimalkin was evidently
displeased, and quickly returned it to her side, and showed it a deal of
attention for two or three days, when our informant turned it out of the house.
It has since, however, been seen in one of houses, playing with its strange
nurse, as familiarly as a Kitten, and seems perfectly tamed and docile. This is
the most famous departure from the usual order of nature that we have ever
Commercial Advertiser - Apalachicola, Saturday, May 16, 1846
There is now to be seen at the shop of Mr. Eben Ames, on North Main Street,
says the Providence Journal, one of the greatest natural curiosities we have
heard of: a young Rat suckled by a Cat, together with four Kittens; the Kittens
are about fifteen days old. On Thursday last, the old Cat left her Kittens for
a foraging expedition on Canal
Street; she soon returned, bearing in her mouth a young Wharf Rat, which she
has ever since nursed and taken equal care of with her Kittens.
1849 - Juvenile Fiction, Google Books
A Cat Nursing Mice - A Cat with a brood of Kittens in the family of Mr. Graham
of Woodbury, in this state, recently adopted two young Mice into their circle.
One of them died soon after, but the other continues to enjoy maternal care and
social affection. "The Constitution" says: the Mouse is two-thirds
grown and entirely tame. It was very active, running about fearlessly, and
permitting the children to take it into their hands and pet it. If it runs
away, or Pussy miss it, she leaves her Kits and goes after it, mewing till she
finds it, when she brings it carefully back. She is very uneasy when it leaves
her. When the Kittens suck, the Mouse being too short to reach the milk, mounts
on the back of the Kittens and is thus enabled to lay hold, and draws its share
of nourishment from its adoptive mother, with the entire confidence of all
similar case was recently reported by a Cincinnati paper... A Cat in Mr. Bigelow's
family, having been deprived of 5 of 6 Kittens, was found soon after nursing
three young Rats with her own solitary offspring. All alike enjoying her care.
William Kidd - 1852
A Cat nursing three Rats and two Kittens
Our young readers do not need to be reminded perhaps that Cats have often been
known to rear strange children. The following instance, which though but lately
made public, occurred a few years ago, in one of the most remarkable stories of
a foster family that we are aware of. A Cat kept in a stable to catch Rats, and
excellent at the business, gave birth to five Kittens, three of which were at
once drowned. A stall in the stable had been set apart for her use, and the
next morning she brought into it three young Rats, which she nursed along with
the two surviving Kittens. A few days later these Kittens were killed, and the
next day puss fetched two more young Rats. A board had been fixed at the end of
the stall to prevent the Rats from escaping. As soon as the Cat jumped over the
board and lay down for the purpose, her singular family ran to her and took
their refreshment. It may be mentioned that this story is well authenticated.
Zanesville Courier, November 13, 1852
of the note, very hard to guess what says here).
Cat, a fine animal, was in the stables of the Shrewsbury and Birmingham Railway Station where she gave birth
to five Kittens but some of these were drowned.
disconsolate mother finding her family reduced discovered a Rat's nest, killed
the parent and five of the young ones appropriating to herself those that were
she conveyed to her own bed, suckled them and brought them up. All this curious
lot is now to be seen in one cage happy.
Gilbert White. The natural history and
antiquities of Selborne - 1853
"On the 28th of April, 1820", writes Mr. Broderip in "Zoological
Journal", "I saw a Cat giving suck to five young Rats and a Kitten.
The Cat paid the same maternal attention to the young Rats in licking them and
dressing their fur as she did to her Kitten, notwithstanding the great disparity
in size".
Ballou's dollar monthly magazine, Volume
1856 - Language Arts & Disciplines
A gentleman in Buckingham comity, Virginia, has among his domestic animals a
large Rat, which was caught twelve months ago by a Cat; but instead of
devouring it, the Cat nursed and fed it, and they now play and sleep together
like Cat and Kitten.
Weekly Newspaper, May 25, 1856
is to be seen at the distillery of Glen Grant a Cat giving suck to a young Rat
and nursing it as one of her own offspring.
days ago the workmen discovered nest of
Rats and placed all the young
on the top of a cask. Pussy eyeing them, pounced on them and began the work of
destruction; but, perhaps, calling to remembrance that peace had been
proclaimed, she instantly stopped the work of death to make amends for what she
had done and she has adopted the surviving one, and is paying all attention to
it as one of her young.
G. M. Williams, Creek House, near Cheeptow, Aug. 27, 1857
Young Water Rat suckled by a Cat
On the 16th of last June I found, in a Willow's
stump, the nest of a Water Rat, containing four young Water Rats, quite blind.
One of them I flung into the water, and although blind it swam to land. I kept
one and killed the rest. I took the one who was alive to a Cat who had kittened
the day before, and put it on the ground. The Cat immediately jumped out of the
basket, and returned to it with the Rat in her mouth. The next day, in order to
see which of the Kittens should be killed, I found to my surprise, the Cat
suckling the Rat and two Kittens. I had three of the Kittens killed, and kept
the other with the Rat. On the 23rd of the same month the Rat's eyes opened,
and from that time I had much difficulty in catching it, as it got quite wild,
but was still suckled by the Cat. When I took the Rat away the Cat followed me,
and directly I put it down she would take it in her mouth and carry it back. In
the beginning of July I found the Rat dead in the nest. What the cause of his
death was I cannot say, but there were no marks upon it to show that the Cat
had killed it. The most extraordinary circumstance is that the Cat suckled it
before she had her Kittens taken away.
The Rat: its history &
destructive character, James Rodwell - 1858
At Rochester, some few years ago,
a singular incident occurred. The Landlords of the Office Tavern had a
beautiful Tortoiseshell Cat, the admiration of everyone who came to the house.
One day she kittened, and all the Kittens were drowned. The poor Cat felt the
loss of her sucklings, and was whining and mewing all over the place in evident
distress, but no notice was taken of her. But some few days after, some of the
children came across her nest, and saw her in the act of suckling what they
thought to be a young Kitten. They mentioned the circumstance at the dinner
table, and were laughed at for their trouble; but upon their insisting on the
fact, or created some curiosity, and a search was the result, when, to their
great surprise, they found the Cat suckling not a Kitten, but a young Rat!
Now it was clear that the poor Cat had been in extreme pain for an overcharge
of milk, and meeting with the young Rat, had fondled it up, and from its giving
her ease by drawing her milk, her attachment had grown as strong for the Rat as
for one of her own progeny, which was afterwards manifested to the great
delight of numerous customers. If a strange Dog came in the house, she would
defend the Rat with all the vicious determination of her nature; and even after
he had grown up a fine, strong fellow, he would in time of danger run to her
for protection. This curious circumstance spread far and wide, and proved a
great attraction for the house. For the Rat was as tame as a Kitten, and would
allow any of the children or the customers to nurse and play with him.
But, however, to the great sorrow of the landlords and their patrons, a
traveler one day called and, in the absence of the Cat, his Dog killed poor
Master Rat. This was not only a pitiable affair, but a great loss to the
landlords; for there is no doubt but many a man has made his fortune by a far
less pleasing and remarkable phenomenon of nature.
At the railway stables of Wolverhampton,
there was a Cat which had a litter of five Kittens. Three of the Kittens were
drowned shortly after their birth, and the Cat seemed much distressed at their
disappearance. She soon after, however, discovered a Rat's nest with a large
litter of young ones, upon which she killed the old Rat and all the litter but
three, which she carried to her own nest, and suckled them with her own
remaining two Kittens.
The children's picture - book of
quadrupeds: and other mammalia John George Wood - 1861
"She has been known to supply the loss of her Kittens by the young of
other animals; and cases are known of young Hares and Puppies having been
reared by Cats. On one occasion, a Rat-catcher threw to a Cat who had lost her
Kittens some young Rats, and instead of tearing them to pieces she took them
under her care and brought up the whole brood; and the Cat, with her strange
progeny, was publicly exhibited".
Mary Howitt - 1862
This occurred at the house of a Mr. James Greenfield in Maryland, North America. The Cat had Kittens;
and probably hunting for Mice, either to amuse them or for her own dinner, she
carried in a young Rat, which from one cause or another wasn't only not killed
among them, but found itself so much at home that when the little ones went
to suck it did the same. The servants, being witnesses of this strange fact,
went to inform their master and he ordered the Rat and the Kittens to be
carried downstairs and laid on the floor. The mother followed them as she was
sure to do, licked them all over and then was allowed to carry them away, which
she did in her mouth, treating the Rat with just as much tenderness as the
(Image a little upwards through this URL:
years ago, a young Rat was found suckling from a Cat along with the Kittens.
May 24, 1866
Southern Cross, 1868
rather curious circumstance bearing upon the natural history f the Cat and
Mouse has lately occurred at the house of a farmer at Papatoetoe, and has
been observed by a number of persons. A female Cat, suckling a Kitten, has
adopted a full grown Mouse, which nestles under and sucks her, and remains with
the Kitten in her absence.
the Mouse is taken out of the box in which they are kept and laid down before
the Cat, she takes it up gently in the same manner as she does the Kitten, and
carries it back again.
only is the Mouse perfectly reconciled to its change of circumstances and
thoroughly tamed, but the fact of its adoption appears to be recognized by
another Cat in the establishment, which, when the Mouse is brought to it,
merely looks at it and turns away.
The Connersville Examiner - August 19, 1868
Cat with a litter of Kittens and Rats
few days since a favorite feline belonging to one of the “household gods” of
Mr. Feldman, who resides on De Sota, near Monroe Street, became the parent of
a litter new to Catdom. The progeny comprises seven, four of which are Kittens,
and three, marvelous as it may appear, are Rats! Both Kittens and Rats are of
the usual size. Nine days not having elapsed, the eyes of the former are still
closed; but the latter are wide awake, and lively as Crickets. All play
together as though their Ratship is veritable Kittens, and are suckled at the
same time. Unt Tabby bestows as much attention as on the Rats as on the little creatures
formed in her own image, and it is fair presume that the young Norwegians
imagine themselves first class Kittens.
February 17 - 1876
A curiosity in natural history can be witnessed at the residence of Mr. Fisher,
Hokitika, in the shape of a Cat suckling a young Rat in company with her two
CAT SUCKLING A RAT. - Manawatu Times, Volume II, Issue 94
12 September, 1877
An old friend, Mr John Stuart, of Helensbrough, sends us a letter this week,
from which we take the following: There was a strange thing brought to my
notice the other night when passing my friend. He called me to see what he had
got in a barrel; and on looking in, there was a Cat with two Kittens and a
young Rat suckling. Mr. M. says the Cat allows it to play with her like one of
her own Kittens. The strange thing is that, not only is this Cat known all
round as one of the most determined ratters about the town, but only the day
before she killed (as is believed) this very young Rat's father and mother, and
four of the family but this one she took to her nest beside her Kittens. The
Rat has now been five days with the Cat, and she must have been suckling it
most of the time, or it would have died before this time, as it cannot get away
to get anything.
Nyack, June 1, 1878
A Rat Nursed by a Cat
A correspondent writes from Meriden, Conn., to The Turf: We have something in
the shape of a local curiosity, or, it would be more proper to state, a
specimen of animal instinct for once overcome. A certain storekeeper, a dealer
in newspapers, confectionery, etc., had a Cat that had a small Kitten. When
this Kitten was about two weeks old, a young Rat, also of about the same age,
was brought into the store for the old Cat to eat for her dinner; but instead
of eating it, she took it in her mouth and carried it to the nest of her Kitten
and left it there. Young Mr. Rat seemed to like his new quarters well as he
nestled by the Kitten. The old Cat continued to nurse both Kitten and Rat, and
the three lived in contentment. The little Rat went out of the nest once during
last week, but returned of his own accord. The owner had a wire cage built for
the trio to inhabit, which was convenient for all. But the door to the cage was
narrow, and as the Cat and Rat attempted to come out together the other day,
the little Rat was squeezed to death. So Mr. Rat was cast away, and for two
days the old Cat mewed and smelt around for her lost protégé.
Intellect in Brutes
Dudgeon, P. Nature, Volume 20, Issue 499, pp. 77
Some years ago the late Hon. Marmaduke Maxwell, of Terregles, took me to his
stable to show me a Cat which was at the time bringing up a family of young
Rats. The Cat some weeks previously had a litter of five Kittens, three were
taken away and destroyed shortly after their birth; next day it was found that
the Cat had replaced her lost Kittens by three young Rats which she nursed with
the two remaining Kittens; a few days afterwards the two Kittens were taken
away, and the Cat very shortly replaced them by two more young Rats, and at the
time I saw them, the young Rats -which were confined in an empty stall- were
running about quite briskly, and about one-third grown.
The Cat happened to be out when we went into the stable, but came in before we
left; she immediately jumped over the board into the stall, and lay down; her
strange foster family at once ran under her and commenced sucking. What renders
the circumstance more extraordinary is, that the Cat was kept in the stable as
a particularly good ratter.
Brookfield, NY Courier,
Young Rats Nursed by a Cat.
A few years ago, when visiting a neighbor's house, it was mentioned in the
course of conversation that there was a singular case of a Cat having adopted
children from a nest of one of her natural victims. On my expressing a wish to
witness this phenomenon, I was at once taken to the stable yard, and there
shown a fine female Cat nursing a family composed of two Kittens and two
handsome young Rats, the whole four living in perfect harmony.
On my inquiring the history of this remarkable group, I was informed by the
coachman in charge that shortly after the Cat mother had given birth to a
litter of Kittens she had been deprived by him of all but three. The mother
evidently did not approve of this reduction in her family, became restless for
a time, and, on her again settling down, it was discovered she had replaced one
of her murdered children by a fine young Rat. Seeing this, and knowing that
Rats were too numerous to please the gamekeeper, the coachman determined to
destroy one of the three remaining Kittens, which was done.
On the following morning the coachman, on visiting the Cat's nursery, was not a
little surprised to discover that the mother, in lieu of her murdered offspring
had introduced into her nursery a second young Rat. The two Kittens, in company
with the two Rats, had been impartially nursed, and were, when I saw them,
living in perfect harmony. They were at that time about two months old, and
were residing together in an old wine case, with a piece of wire netting thrown
over the top. The young Rats were pretty looking, sleek creatures, with bright
brown eyes, and evidently well nourished. They were, however, of different
dispositions, for while the one would with confidence return the visitor's
gaze, the other disliked being looked at by strangers, and would on the
approach of the latter make rather frantic endeavors to conceal itself among
the fur of its foster mother.
This story has a sad ending (not because the Cat suddenly killed her new
babies), and I didn't want to bring it here.
November 17, 1883 – The
Record Union from Sacramento, California
Rats Nursed by a Cat.
Our young readers do not need to be reminded
perhaps that Cats have often been known to rear strange children. The following
instance -which though but lately made public, occurred a few years ago- is one
of the most remarkable stories of a foster family that we are aware of. A Cat
kept in a stable to catch Rats, and excellent at the business, gave birth to
five Kittens, three of which were at once drowned. A stall in the stable had
been set apart for her use, and the next morning she brought into it three
young Rats, which she nursed along with the two surviving Kittens. A few days
later these Kittens were killed, and the next day puss fetched two more young Rats.
A board had been fixed at the end of the stall to prevent the Rats from
escaping. As soon as the Cat jumped over the board and lay down for the
purpose, her singular family ran to her and took their refreshment. It may be
mentioned that this story is well authenticated.
26 July, 1884
A Cat Nurses Rats.
A few years ago,
when visiting at a neighbors house, it was mentioned in the course of
conversation that there was then on the premises a singular case of a cat
having adopted children from a nest of one of her natural victims. On my expressing a wish to witness this phenomenon, I was at once, taken to the
stable yard, and there shown a fine female Cat nursing a family composed of two
Kittens and two handsome young Rats, the whole four living in perfect harmony.
On my inquiring the history of this remarkable group, I was informed by the
coachman-in-charge that shortly after the cat mother had given birth to a
litter of Kittens, she had been deprived by him of all three. The mother
evidently did not approve of this reduction in her family and became restless
for a time and on her again settling down, it was discovered she had replaced
one of her murdered children by a fine young Rat. Seeing this, and knowing that
Cats were too numerous to please the gamekeeper the coachman determined to
destroy one of the remaining three Kittens, which was done. On the following
morning, the coachman, on visiting the Cat's nursery, was not a little
surprised to discover that the mother, in lieu of her murdered offspring, had
introduced into her nursery a second young Rat.
The two Kittens,
in company with the two Rats, had been impartially nursed, and were, when I saw
them, living in perfect harmony. They were at that time about two months. old
and were residing together in an old wine-case, with a piece of wire-netting
thrown over the top. The young Rats were pretty-looking, sleek creatures, with
bright brown eyes, and evidently well nourished. They were however of different
dispositions. I for whilst the one would in confidence return the visitors
gaze, the other disliked being looked at by strangers, and I would, on then
approach, of the latter make rather frantic endeavors to conceal itself among
the fur of its foster-mother".
I afterwards
knew, l regret to say, that the family party was broken up in an abrupt and
unsatisfactory manner. The friendly coachman had left his situation: the Cat
mother had given way to some poaching proclivities,
and doing nocturnal rabble had
been caught and killed in one of the gamekeeper's traps. The Kittens and young
Rats were thereafter thrown friendless on the world, and left no trace
behind them.
Ashburton Guardian
Putanga 2094, 22 Poutiterangi, 1889
Page 2
A Queer Family - A peculiar freak of nature is now, we (Press) understand, to
be seen at the Wellington Meat Export Company Freezing Works, Waterloo Quay, in the shape of a Cat suckling
two young Rats and two Kittens. We hear it is the intention of the engineer in
charge of the establishment to have a case made for the family so as to see
what will be the end of the unnatural motherly affection on the part of the Cat
when the Rats grow to an eatable size.
Image from a book - Yellow domestic Cat
mothering one Kitten and five baby Muskrats. Courtesy of Stanley C. Arthur
Group in Milwaukee Museum, by Carl Akeley, 1890
Syracuse Herald, August 17, 1890
Suckled By a Cat
Wilmington JT C - Star
Charles Watson at his store of a Eighth and Chestnut streets has a Cat that is
suckling two young Rats with her three Kittens.
a week or ten days ago Mr Watson found a Rat's nest.
took two and put them down before the mother Cat so that she would devour them
but the Cat took them suddenly in her mouth cue at a time and placed them inn
box where she had her two Kittens
has since been suckling them. A few days later she moved her family from the
box to a room upstairs but afterward brought them all back to their old bed in
the box.
Rats are growing finely and the Cat does not to distinguish the difference between
them and her Kittens. In all other respects has an excellent reputation and is
said to be a splendid mouser.
San Francisco Call - April 4, 1892
Community of Rats and Cats Living With A Bull Pup.
the window of the saloon at 268 Pacific Street may be seen one of the most
singular happy families in the city. It consists of an old motherly Cat, five
Kittens about a month old, a pair of large white Rats, 12 young Rats, a Bull
pup and a pair of wicked-looking Norway Rats that were caught recently on the
Lombard Street wharf.
old Cat nurses the young rodents just as she does her own offspring, and the
entire collection, with the exception of the Bull pup, crawl over and around
her as if the Cat was their best friend. The old Rats make a bed of the Cat,
and may be seen, sound sleep, half buried in the soft, warm fur on the Cat's
back, while the young Rats and Kittens are all mixed up beside her.
strange friendship began when pussy was looking about for a quiet corner in
which to give birth to her offspring. The Rats had been given the freedom of
the saloon, and the cage in which they had their nest was always open. The
place suited pussy to a nicety, for she at once made herself at home, and is
now looked up to by all as the protector and head of the family.
wharf Rats were at first Inclined to resent the advances of the albinos and the
Kittens, but pussy soon taught them that the young things were not to be
molested, and in a few days they got used to the new order of things, and are
now two of the most docile members of the strange community. The pup regards
the Kittens and Rats with a look of disdain, and holds himself aloft as If of a
superior cast.
Indiana Progress, July 13,
Young Rats Adopted by a Cat
Brainard Ives, the Mount Cannel stage driver, has a Cat that has
recently shown most remarkable eccentricities.
A short time ago the Cat became the mother of several Kittens. A day or so
later while prowling about in the barn she came across a nest of young Rats
which numbered three.
Instead of killing and eating them as might be supposed the Cat would do she
carried them to her own nest and placed them with her young Kittens nursing
them as she did her own offspring.
Ever since the Kittens and Rats have remained together and are thriving splendidly.
The Rats have just begun to open their eyes while the Kittens are somewhat
older and have been able to see.
Francisco Call, Number 1, 1 June 1895
A Rat's Cat
Joshua Slifer of Bolivar, in the Middletown Valley,
Frederick County, has a Cat which is at present nursing a young Rat as
carefully as if it were one of her own offspring. The Cat has two Kittens, and
one day she killed an old Rat and then caught a young one and carried it alive
to her nest, presumably for the Kittens to eat. Instead of devouring it,
however, the Kittens made friends with the stranger, and since then the old
mother Cat has treated the Rat as if it were one of the family. Strange to say,
the Rat refuses to leave the Kittens, even when the old Cat goes away. The Cat
fondles and nurses the Rat in the most natural manner. A day or two ago one Kitten
was seen at a rear teat and the other at the front, while the Rat was in the
middle, pulling away for dear life, and the old Cat as unconcerned as if
nothing unusual was going on.
New York Public Library - 28 / 6 / 1895
Cat Nurses Rats - Curious Happy Family In An Uptown Broadway Store
an uptown Broadway store a large black Tabby Cat with not a single white hair
in her coat is nursing a litter of four black Kittens as sable as she is.
the box where the mother and her children are taking life easy five large white
Rats are running over one another disputing claims to maternal founts of
perfect family peace exists between the mixed relations. Whether the young Cats
will get away with the old Rats or the old Rats with the young Cats remains to
be seen.
The Judd translation of this classic by
Wundt - Outlines of psychology
Many animals will hatch any kind of eggs placed under them, or rear the young
of other animals; thus a hen has been induced to brood over young Weasels, and
a Cat suckled young Rats in the place of the Kittens she had lost.
Francisco Call, number 1, 1 June 1895
Rat's Cat Mother.
Slifer of Bolivar, in the Middletown Valley, Frederick County, has a Cat which
is at present nursing a young Rat as carefully as if it were one of her own
offspring. The Cat has two Kittens, and one day she killed an old Rat and then
caught a young one and carried it alive to her nest, presumably for the Kittens
to eat. Instead of devouring it, however, the Kittens made friends with the
stranger, and since then the old mother Cat has treated the Rat as ii it were
one of the family. Strange to say, the Rat refuses to leave the Kittens, even
when the old Cat goes away. The Cat fondles and nurses the Rat in the most
natural manner. A day or two ago one kitten was seen at a rear teat and the
other at the front, while the Rat was in the middle, pulling away for dear
life, and the old Cat as unconcerned as if nothing unusual was going on.
Advance Argus, May 27, 1897
- Miss Helen Burnett has one of the most curious families.
two weeks ago her brother gave the mother Cat two young Rats for her dinner.
of eating them she gathered them up and carried them in with her Kittens and
has since cared for them just like her own. The young Rats are thriving and the
family present a very laughable appearance.
Evening Post, 8 January 1898
In a workman's room at Parkhead, Glasgow, in November of last year, anyone
might have seen a Cat nursing a young Rat with three of her own Kittens. The
Kittens of a Cat belonging to Mr. Mc. Farlane of Woodside, near Coupar Angus,
had been killed by a Dog. The bereaved mother forthwith collected five young
Mice and lavished them upon the milk and affection for which her maternal
feelings compelled her to find an outlet.
Reading Eagle - July 14, 1899
adopted by a Cat
her training he has become the best mouser at Steuben, Maine.
Baker, of this village, has one of the most remarkable mousers in the country
in a trained Rat. Having driven all the Rats and Mice from his own premises the
Rat is now doing odd jobs for the neighbors.
Rat's odd propensities are no doubt due to the influence of his adopted mother
-a big Maltese Cat owned by Mr. Baker and rated the best mouser in Steuben.
winter she gave birth to Kittens. One day she came upon a young Rat and took
him to her Kittens. Mr. Baker supposed that she intended to give her young ones
their first lesson in the art of Rat killing; but the old Cat had no such
intention, for instead of offering to injure the helpless creature, or allowing
the Kittens to do so, she adopted the Rat and made him a useful factor in her
household. The Kittens, too, seemed to take to the Rat and as the Rat grew
apace with them, they accepted him as a brother, and were contented.
later, the mother Cat began to teach her children to catch Mice and Rats, as a
means of livelihood the Rat entered with much spirit into the game. Finally the
old Cat saw that her adopted child was about the most ardent rodent hunter of
the lot, despite his ancestry, and she seemed satisfied and at once sent them
out to make their own way in the world.
Baker disposed of the Kittens, but kept the Rat, now full grown. The Rat has
since waged a merciless war on the whole Rat kingdom in Steuben. He still
follows the old Cat about the house, and the two are as attached as mother and
The Post Express - August 12, 1899
more extraordinary is the aberration of a respectable and hitherto trustworthy
English Cat. It is recorded that, having lost her Kittens, she caught a young
Rat, which, instead of killing, she immediately took to her bereft bosom, and,
at last accounts, was bringing up.
Action by the household pets at the home of Mr. George Lyon of West Eldorado street. A Cat of the
Maltese variety female that has been acting curiously of late.
has always been supposed that a Cat hates a Rat naturally and eternally. But
this Cat is an exception.
had been bereft of all but one and since then she marched up to the house
carrying in mouth her one Kitten and two half grown Rats.
family left her alone for a while to see what she would do. She suckled those
Rats and cuddled them just as she did the Kittens.
partiality was shown and they appeared to thrive and to be well satisfied with
their adopted mother.
Los Angeles Times - April 4, 1901
Cat adopts and nurses ten baby Rats
someday the story will shine here, instead of the URL…)
HAMMONTON, 3ST. J., JULY 13, 1901
Three of Them Take the Place of Kittens that met untimely death.
Kate, the little striped Cat that has been a pet at the Louisville (Ky.) Union Station for the last year,
has been tenderly caring for an adopted family consisting of three Mice.
The little Cat was picked up on the street about a year ago by Night Watchman
Since then she has been the common property of every one at the station. She is
unusually small for a mature Cat.
About two weeks ago Kate had her first family of Kittens and she was very proud
of them. While she was out foraging a stray Dog happened in and when Kate got
back she found only the lifeless remains of her little family left. She gave
many signs of her grief for about a week. Then some of the workmen at the
station who were tearing up the floor uncovered a nest of Mice. The old Mouse
was killed and Kate was called to make a rich meal of the three Mice that
were left. She answered the call of the men, smelled the tiny black Mice, and
rolled them tenderly about in their nest.
Then, one at a time, she lifted them and carried them, carefully into the
baggage-room. The adopted ones were deposited In Kate's basket in the
baggage-room, where they remained ever since.
The Cat seems to take as much pride in the Mice as she did in her Kittens, and
spends most of her time nursing and licking them.
Daily Iowa State Press - 09-26-1901
Louisville reports a Cat that has
adopted Mice babies in the nest. The Cat Kate, a little striped mouser that has
been a pet at the Tenth Street Union station for a year past. Two
weeks ago Kate had her first family of Kittens. A Dog killed them all during
her absence, and her mother heart was sad. Just then some of the workmen about
the station, tearing up a portion of the floor, uncovered a nest of Mice. They
killed the mother Mouse and called Kate to feast upon the three tiny Mice
babies in the nest. Perhaps she was thinking of her own recent loss. At any
rate she lifted the wee Mice one at a time and carried them carefully into the
baggage room and placed them in her basket, where they have since remained.
Kate is apparently as proud of her adopted children as she could have been of
her own, but the railroad men predict that when the foundlings grow large
enough to leave they will desert Kate for their own free life.
Statesville Landmark, June 13, 1902
Cat and Rat Waxhaw Correspondence
knows that Cats are fond of babies, but a case of one bereft mother Cat's
unusual fondness for them is reported from Minera this week.
Robt Winchester's children recently found a litter of young Rats and took them
to the house; they placed them in an improvised nest to try to raise them.
old mother Cat soon discovered and took up with them.
carried them away to the bed as she would but carried her own where she suckled
and raised them until they were large enough to run off and leave her and look
out for them.
Logansport Journal - April 3, 1903
nurses her three children, and... (you better see it for yourself).
- April W. Miles, a farmer on the Middleboro Pike, four miles north of here,
tells a story of a Cat that is nursing three Kittens and eleven young Rats. Mr
Miles says the Cat is not partial in her motherly care. While making an
excavation near his barn a few days ago, the farmer dug into a Rat’s nest. In
the barn not far away was the Cat with her Kittens hardly twenty four hours old
in a box. Mr Miles took the Rats to the barn and placed them near the box. The
mother Cat showed interest at once and lifting one Rat in her teeth helped it
into the box with the Kittens. In a short time she had taken charge of all the
strangers. The Cat has no trouble in watching over her nursery and Mr Miles is
wondering what she will do with the Rats when they open their eyes and begin to
show traits of their species.
Syracuse Sunday Herald - May 3, 1903
brings up a family of Rats with her Kittens
and picture):
Four weeks ago a Cat, the property of Hans Hansen, a grocer of Muskegon, Mich., gave birth to a litter of
Kittens. Mr. Hansen. who is as well known in Muskegon as a power in the ward in
which he lives as Squire McMullen was ever known in Philadelphia, was making
some alterations in his store, and three days after three Kittens were born the
laborers who were excavating for a cellar foundation discovered a nest of
young Rats, whose mother had evidently been frightened away from them by the
onslaught of the shovellers. The men decided that the young Rats would make a
nutritious feed for the mother Cat, and, collecting them, they carried the
vermin to the empty bin in the store where the Cat and her little family were
housed. The Rats were thrown in and the feelings of the onlookers can be better
imagined than described when they saw the Cat lick and pet the little animals
instead of making an onslaught on them. Up to the present writing the Cat has
faithfully and jealously guarded and nursed the young Rats, and it is a
noticeable and peculiar met that the whole nature of the Rats appears to differ
from that of their progenitors. They play and frisk with the Kittens and jump
all over the back of the old mother, who play, with them. It is truly a happy
family. When the news of the peculiar case became bruited abroad crowds flocked
to Mr. Hansen's Store to see the animals. Those who saw, told other doubting
Thomases, and they also inspected, going away wondering.
The great Interest now is to find out whether the family will continue to live in
harmony. Despite the peculiar makeup of her family the Cat continues to retain
her well earned reputation as a ratter. She has killed many vermin since she
adopted the Rats. (Philadelphia Press).
Nelson Evening Mail, 20 October, 1904
Cats are supposed to be the natural enemies of Rats, but in Auckland just now there's a Cat who has
actually breastfed two of these rodents when two of the litter had been
destroyed. The mother seemed perfectly satisfied with her new children and the
Rats apparently flourished under their strange mother, for they were in
excellent condition when found.
The North Western Advocate and the Emu Bay Times Wednesday 8 March, 1905
On Sunday several residents, including Sub-Inspector Palmer and Police
Constable Montgomery, witnessed a sight that is of sufficiently rare occurrence
to be chronicled. On certain premises not very far from the police court they
saw a Cat suckling a Kitten and a Rat! Contrary to nature the small rodent was
taking its share just as easily and comfortably as the Kitten, and although the
Rat was held up to the Cat so that she might see it, yet she disdained the idea
that she did not know of its existence and allowed it to resume sucking. The
prophecy of the Lion and Lamb lying down together has, therefore, been
anticipated by such enemies as the Cat and Rat being found on such familiar and
friendly terms. It is surmised that the young Rat has been brought to the
Kitten 'by its mother and after a time partaking of the same smell as her own progeny,
was allowed to obtain nourishment with the Kitten'. By Monday morning, however,
the Rat had disappeared, and it is supposed that a Terrier on the premises
devoured it.
The Times, Treherne - Manitoba - 8 / 24 / 1906
suckles Rat
a Cat and a Rat lie down together, their relative positions are ordinarily
those of the Lion and the Lamb - The Rat, in other words, is inside the feline.
That preoccupied look of happiness, supplemented by an occasional purr, which
is so often observed in the case of somnolently lazy pussies is often the
result, naturalists say, of a juicy Rat in kitty's digestive apparatus. Most Toronto Cats love Rats in just
that way for the sake of the loaves and the fishes as it were. There is one at
Michie and Co.'s on King Street which enjoys the distinction of being
different, says The Toronto Star. She is suckling a young Rat, and
whether she is raising it for benevolent purposes remains to be seen. Perhaps
she is merely an unusually wise Cat, and is raising the little rodent simply
with an eye to a future repast. This theory must give place, for the present,
to some warping of the mother instinct, so strong in all animals, which has
included a very lively Rat in the comradeship of five very black and, as yet,
helpless Kittens.
a policeman at the corner of King and Yonge streets handed a young Rat to Mr.
Joe Wilson. of Mlchies. a few days ago, he did not know that he was
starting a romance In animal life, which may end in a tragedy soon.
Mr, Wilson, mind full of a Cat at the store which had become the mother of five
kittens. as black as herself, took the gift In good part.
duly presented the Rat to Mrs Tabby.
are no records extant relating to the siege of Paris which give
the opinion at the rat-eaters of that period as to the comparatlve juiciness of young and old Rats, It would naturally be thought that a
Rat so young and tender as the one which Mr. Wilson handed to the Cat would be
a morsel particularly tempting to anything with an appetite for Mus Decumanus.
which Is what the scientists say.
Cat received the Rat without the usual licking of lips. In fact she
slobbered the youngster over. as it was her own offspring, which found no
trouble In making room for their much smaller comrades. The Rat, for its
part, not having learned the ABC of life from its people at home, snuggled
down in its new nest and partook of the same refreshment as was afforded
the little black Kittens.
has been wisely said that parental favoritism Is the ruination of many a
animals, though, the mother is often observed to deal
most kindly with her weakest offspring, and to take especial
precautions to guard It from danger, This may explain why the tabby at
Michie's apparently regards the Rat as the darIing of her heart. Cats do not
approve of the too frequent visits of blundering humans to their
homes. and Mrs. Tabby has shown her disapproval at this by moving her
family three times, Her favoritism towards the Rat. which she evidently
thinks her smallest and weakest charge, was noticed the first time she
was noticed by Mr. Wilson running off to the coal bin with the
Rat In her mouth, "Now" said he, "It's all up with the
Rat."He was wrong, She was merely moving It before she moved the
other occupants of her first home.
followed with them, one by one and set up housekeeping in the coal bin.
Adelaide, SA - Saturday 12 October 1907
correspondent to 'Country Life in America'
for August writes: 'While our old gray and white Cat was attending the needs of
two Kittens, a young wood Rat was found in a Squirrel’s nest in the woods near
our house. We placed the Rat near the Cat but she was in a placid and motherly
frame of mind and did not harm it. She sniffed at it enquiringly several times,
and once or twice we saw her washing its mat as it it were one of her Kittens.
For a few days the Rat nursed with the Kittens, but soon became too old and
preferred his food in other forms. He still remained a friend of the family,
however. The pictures were obtained with great difficulty, as the Rat was a very lively little fellow and did
not wish to pose for his portrait.
The evening world. (New York, N.Y.)
February 14, 1908
In defiance of all natural instinct a house Cat on the farm of Joseph McDonald
in Lower Windsor Township hills county has for the past week been mothering a family
of six young Rats. One day last week the farmer honed a bin in his barn and a
big Rat scampered out in a corner. It left six tiny young and for extermination
McDonald tossed his house Cat to them. He was astonished to see the animal at
once curl her body in a protecting manner about the shivering little creatures.
Many of the neighbors came to witness the unusual sight until the Cat for the
safety of the litter carried them one by one in her mouth to a more secluded
part of the barn. Farmer McDonald secured a club and killed them.
The Spokeman Review - April 29, 1908
Cat nurses Mouse
Rushville, Ind., April 22. - Mrs. Hatfield,
proprietor of the Main Street house, has four new boarders. They came about
three weeks ago and when the facts in the case are heralded up and down this
broad land, back will come the cry of “nature fakers”. Fourteen days ago three
Kittens were born to the office Cat there and a box was prepared for them on
the rear porch.
second morning after they were placed there one of the domestics was surprised
to find a Mouse about three inches in length huddled up with the Kittens. She
hurriedly called Mrs. Hatfield and when they returned they were treated to the
sight of seeing the visitor eating at the same table with the three Kittens.
that time the Mouse has lived with the Kittens, playing with them in their
frolics and seemingly enjoying the same board. It is now a full-fledged member
of the family and the mother Cat watches and guards jealously over every move
it makes.
anyone comes around the mother will cover up her little ones, including the
Mouse, and offers it the same protection as her own.
Citizen (Berea, Ky.): Thursday, July 2, 1908.
"A story from York, Pa. about
the Cat mothering a family of six Rats makes the most prominent members of
Nature Fakers organization look like tyros".
Strange Freak of a Cat. William McDonald of Davenport has a freak, in the
nature of an adopted Rat by one of his Cats, About three weeks ago the Cat gave
birth to four Kittens and, in a few days, one died. Last week the Cat caught a
young Rat and has adopted it, the Rat nursing the Cat the same as its three
little brother or sister Kittens.
Hopkinsville Kentuckian - July 22, 1909
Cat Adopts Rat to Take Place of One of Her Litter
St Louis Mo., July 19
To fill a vacancy in her litter one of which 1 died, an old black Cat owned by
George Link adopted a big Rat about the size of the Kittens. Whether by
coercion, love or force, the Rat is making itself at home in the little family
and plays about with the Kittens under the watchful eye of mamma Cat.
The Evening News - Jul. 23, 1909
Cat adopts white Rat
Greensburg, Ind. July 23. Ed Hamilton, living north of
this city, has a Maltese Cat that adapts herself to circumstances when dealing
with Rats. The Cat is a good ratter, having killed hundreds in her six years of
A few days ago she gave birth to seven Kittens and Ed killed all but one. Mrs.
Hamilton visited the barn yesterday and found that the Cat had two young ones
in the nest. She watched for a while and saw that the Cat was equally attentive
to both little ones, but on examination she found that one was a young Rat. Mr.
Hamilton immediately killed the little Rat, but regrets doing so, as there is
much speculation as to how the Cat would have treated the adopted youngster
after it had grown to Rat size.
Gettysburg Star And Sentinel,
May 4, 1910
Cat is Raising Rats
has a Cat that besides of taking care of five Kittens is raising a
Rat. She's as fond of the young Rat as she is of her own offspring. The
Rat suckles at the Cat as the five Kittens. Some weeks ago she gave birth
to them and a few days later came from the barn carrying in her mouth
by the skin of the neck as Cats carry their own children a little Rat
the eyes of which were not yet open. She deposited the young rodent with
her Kittens and it has become a regular member of the family.
Portsmouth Herald - May 24, 1910
Crow" Manifests Her Maternal Instinct In Curious Way.
as a rule have classed the Cat and the Mouse as instinctive enemies but there
are occasions where the speculations of naturalists as well as those of
ordinary mortals are turned curvy. In the Virginia bonded warehouse here there has arisen
a case that is said to be without a parallel. “Jim Crow” -a huge and heretofore
mouser has adopted as her own a family of five young Mice and she fondles and
them with great care. Jim adopted the Mice after a litter of Kittens had been
taken from her.
Des Moines Daily News, June 24, 1910
Kills Mother Rat, Then Adopts Her Family
weeks ago she got hungry and as most Cats do prowled around until she found a
Rat. My but it made a good meal. Next day she got hungry again and started out
in search of other dinner. Presently she came upon a nest of baby Rats. They
were crying for their mother as the Cat soon saw. Then it appears to have eaten
the little baby Rat’s mother and they would starve if aid wasn’t given them. So
she adopted the family and now she's their stepmother. Every day she plays with
them and takes them things to eat. A day or two ago the Cat met a Kitten and
took it around for a look at the lively growing Rat family. The Kitten started
to get after the Rats but the big Cat objected and caught the Kitten by the
neck and shook it hard. She's proud of her family.
of story very hard to read - Continues here:
The Victoria Advocate - Aug. 25, 1910
Little Rat Adopted and cared for by a Cat along with her Kittens
East Moline - Aug. 23
The strangest thing that any inhabitant whereabouts claims to have seen is the
sight of a Maltese Cat nursing a Rat among her own four Kittens. The Cat and
her composite family are now on exhibition at the City Hotel.
A gray Maltese Cat recently gave birth to four Kittens, which have not as yet
got their eyes open. Monday the odd Cat was seen coming from a barn nearby with
a little Rat in her mouth. The Cat has always been a terror for Rats and Mice
in the neighborhood. The Cat carried the little thing by the neck, in the same
manner that she always carried her own little Kittens, to the box in the
kitchen in which was her own little family, and placed the little stranger inside;
and there it remained ever since.
The Cat nurses the little Rat, licks it and takes care of it just the same as
she does with each one of her Kittens.
The Kanaseraga Times - March 3, 1911
nursing a Rat
and Rats are commonly regarded as inevitable enemies, but a story comes from Scotland of an instance in which this hatred
has given place to warm affection. The other day when potatoes were being
lifted in Glenfeshire forest, near Kingussle, one of the workers came on a
Rat's nest containing a number of young ones.
were promptly dispatched with the exception of one, which the finder retained.
Shortly afterwards the Rat was adopted by a Cat which at the time was nursing
Kittens. Instead of devouring the Rat, as one would expect, pussy gave it a
place beside her own offspring, bestowing upon the newcomer as much care and
affection as she formerly devoted to her own family. At the time of writing the
Rat was still under pussy’s maternal care.
After killing a large Rat, Polly, a striped Cat, given a home in a laundry in
this city, has adopted three baby Rats and is raising them with the one Kitten
which remains of the four recently born to purrs contentedly over them and
shows no disposition to kill the Rats. Scores have seen them and they have been
photographed to substantiate the story that seems at variance with the nature
of Cats. It is believed the mother instinct in Polly saved the little Rats.
Rats and Kitten are nestled together in one box with the Cat.
English News , May 12, 1911
Mothers Young Rats.
lives near the Wabash says a few days ago he disposed of a
litter of Kittens belonging to the houses Cat. The next day he found the Cat
caring for a litter of Rats.
says he Cat killed the mother Rat and then took her young to nurse.
Evening Independent, October 10, 1911
Cat, the mother of two Kittens, has taken two young Rats to raise and is
mothering them as well as she is her own kin. She had her Kittens in a corn cob
pile in an elevator, and when she returned from a foraging expedition found the
Atlanta Constitution, July 19, 1912
Sioux County Herald - 8-22-1912
Cat Nurses Rats. Hamilton, Ohio
Employers of the Goodman paper plant found a Cat some days ago acting as a
mother to a nest of eight young Rats, found by the employees after they had
killed the mother Rat. The Cat was taking care of the young Rats as if they
were her own offspring. Bets were offered and taken that pussy would, in time,
yield to temptation, and eat one just for luck. That is just what she did and
bets were paid, but there are seven more left and even money still prevails.
This first test is not considered a fair one, as the dope on the form sheet is.
One of the workmen at the mill found one of the Rats playing outside its cage
and, picking it up, was bitten in the finger. He quickly tossed the rodent to
the cement floor, stunning it, and then placed the young Rat in the Cat's crib.
Her devouring of it and her returning to the care of her strange family is all
out as animal instinct.
Kentucky New Era - Oct. 11, 1912
mothers Rats
Cat at Cate's mill lost her litter of Kittens this week and about the same time
the mother of a family of six Rats died or was killed leaving her offspring unsafe. The disconsolate mother adopted the young Rats and mothered them
in the most solicitous manner for a day and a night, but the inexorable law in
all mills that every possible Rat shall be killed prevailed in this case and
the mill employs put an end to the unusual domestic arrangement.
beautiful story, with a sad ending...)
The Spokesman Review - 11 Nov, 1912
dead, Cat Mothers Litter Of Rats Found In Chinese Store
The spectacle of an old Cat mothering five young Rats was witnessed by several
Chinese when preparations were being made by them to move from the old Lotus
block, just back of the city hall on Trent Avenue, last week.
Ah Woo, employed as a clerk by one of the importing concerns, found the Cat and
the strange litter. The Cat had made a sort of bed of rags in a far corner of
the kitchen back of an old box used for coal and wood.
The Cat is probably ten years old and had been with the Chinese all her life
and was regarded as a good Rat catcher.
About a month ago the feline, who answers to the name of "Ah Back Seld",
gave birth to a family of Kittens. The Kittens all died soon after birth.
A few days later, according to Ah Woo, the Cat brought in a large female Rat
she had killed. After that she was seldom seen, and this was remarked upon, as
it was her custom to stay in the room with the men, especially in the evening.
(Part of the text; the ending seems to be so sad once more).
In Page 3
Logansport Pharos Tribune, April 23, 1913
of the strangest freaks that has been brought to light in this city is that of
a mother Cat at the Parmeter feed barn at 432
High street that has taken into
her nest with her Kittens several Rats. Yesterday five young and two Rats
nursed all day side by side while the mother of the Kittens distributed her
rations equally among the members of her little family and the rodents. Such a
strange occurrence has never been known before and photographs made a picture
of the strange group. A box was procured and covered with a wire netting and in
it the Cat and her protected babies have been housed. Yesterday afternoon one of the
Rats deserted the others but one a half grown young rodent still stayed to the
festal board. The Rat fought so viciously for its place with the Kittens that
Mr Nethercutt picked it up and cut its teeth. The Rat is as tame as the Kittens
and can be picked up by spectators easily.
Jeffersonville Daily Reflector, June 19, 1913
Mothered Young Rats
Rat was killed in a produce company's plant in Missouri and left four young which the Cat has
undertaken to bring meantime not neglecting her duty of keeping the place clear
of all adult Rats.
The Sun (1837-1985) - Baltimore, Md.
Cat Cares For Rat - May 23, 1913
Washington, Pa. -
A Maltese Cat owned by James of Buffalo village has added a Rat to her family
of five Kittens. Several days ago four young Rats alive were given to her. She
killed all but one which she adopted The rat made no effort to get away. It is
cared for and fed the same as the Kittens.
The Robesonian - April 26, 1915
adopts Mice
Ben Edwards, who lives in the eastern part of town, says a Cat belonging to his
household adopted some Mice recently that were caught by one of his boys and
given to the Cat for her young Kittens. He said the Cat nursed and cared for
the Mice just as she did with the Kittens for two days.
story continues, but its end again is tragic; and as always, not for what the
Cat suddenly does).
Oakland Tribune - June 30, 1916
adopts Rats - Indianapolis
Two Into Nest With Kittens; Nurses Them Tenderly.
and Rats are traditional enemies, but Jerry, a Cat at No. 4 Fire house, at West
and Morris Streets, has upset all tradition. She is the mother of four black
and white Kittens of about two weeks old. A week ago a nest of baby Rats was
uncovered in a building across the street from the fire house and two of the
baby Rats were brought to the fire house as toothsome dainties for Jerry and
placed on the floor in front of her. Jerry immediately carried them into her
nest, picking them up by the back of the neck as carefully as she would with
her own Kittens. By her behavior she made it known that she wanted to adopt
the baby Rats as her own, and for the last week she has been nursing and
fondling them with all the mother instinct shown towards her Kittens. Michael
M. Mountain, captain of the Number 4 Company, says that she appears to be even
more concerned over the welfare of her adopted babies than she is over her own.
News of Jerry and her strange family has spread over the neighbourhood, and she
is receiving many callers.
Washington Post - August 29, 1916
adopts three Mice - Deprived of her Kittens, she accepts them as substitutes
The Washington Post. N Y Aug 28
lady of this county has a Cat which recently lost her three Kittens, and when
three Mice were given her to kill and eat, she surprised all beholders by
treating them with the greatest kindness and apparently adopted them in place
of her lost Kittens.
Elyria Evening Telegram, November 23, 1916
Bereaved Cat Has Adopted Mice
A Cat belonging to Mrs. (...) has adopted three Mice In the place of her Kittens,
which died. The Mice were given to the Cat in the belief that she would kill
them but she immediately proceeded to treat them with the greatest kindness and
Alton Evening Telegraph - August 17, 1917
And Rats On Exhibition
and Mrs. (...) found their Cat mothering two Rats along with her two Kittens,
and put the happy family in exhibition in the show window at his hardware store
on Third Street.
was not fake, this story, as proved by the Cat and the Rats in the show window.
Paso Herald - July 15, 1918
raises Rats with Kittens - H. C. of L.
W. Victoria, July 15.
wise old mother Cat is raising three baby Rats with her Kittens here.
Rats and Kittens play together, and wherever the Rats go astray they are brought
back by the mother Cat. The belief is that the mother Cat is preparing for the
H. C. of L. (...)
Spokane Daily Chronicles - Sep. 13, 1918
Cat mothers Rats with her Kittens
A Cat owned by Ben Price, a grocer, has three Kittens and along with these Kittens
she is mothering three young Rats, says a report from Huntington, West Virginia.
Rats and Kittens play together in a box provided for them, and whenever the
Rats stray away the mother goes forth and brings them back, the same as she
does with her Kittens.
Ottawa Journal. 17 December 1920
A curious Rat
story is told in "Wild Creatures of Oterber and Hedgerow." Miss Pitt
came upon a nest of baby Rats, and the idea came to her to give one of them to
the family Cat to rear, Her Kittens had been sacrificed, all except one. She
cautiously placed the young Rat by the remaining Kitten, and the plan worked.
The old Cat nursed the baby Rat, washed it and treated it in every way as a
Kitten. The Rat learned to know Miss Pitt as a friend, and became "one of
the tamest creatures I have ever known. It proved a most amusing family pet for
nearly two years”, Oterber Digest.
April 7, 1921 - The New York Times
Mouse in the litter cared for by a Cat
Leviston, Me., Apr. 6. - The
discovery that his grocery Cat was mothering a Mouse with her own litter of
Kittens astonished Charles Dub and his customers today. Snuggled together in
the bottom of a rain barrel the rodent and the Kittens seemed a happy family,
with all sharing in the food supply.
Lock Haven Express, April 25, 1921
Mothers Rats In Bank Cupboard
The Milwaukee Journal - Ago. 29, 1921
Cat adopts a Rat
Mount. N. C. - Two small Kittens and a young Rat make the happy family of a
fond mother Cat at Enfield, according to J. T. Ethridge, who took a peep into a
barrel which serves as the family home. The mother Cat, according to Ethridge,
found two Kittens many days ago, and on the day after the Kittens came caught a
young Rat and carried it to her barrel home. Evidently the mother instinct got
the better of her on else, the Kittens and the Rat developed a case of love at
first sight, for the mother speedily changed her killing intentions and
welcomed the Rat into the freedom of her home. Now she is nursing the Rat and
the two Kittens, while the adopted member has developed into an affectionate
youngster, playing with his mother and licking her fondly as do the young
Kittens. On top of that the new life appears to be agreeing with the rodent, as
he has grown considerably since his adoption.
the most beautiful story of all these, with the Rat son fondling her, because
it also comes to prove that Rats and Mice can really thrive with Cat mother's
The Pittsburgh Press - December 2, 1921
Adopts Rat
Cat has adopted a young Rat, creating great excitement on Wyoming Street,
Charleston, W. Va. This must make heated argument among older Rats.
adopted Rat, granted that his mother warned him against Cats, probably thinks
he is lucky and that a change has come over the rules of procedure.
the Cat's appetite for Rats is a natural law, and this young Rat would do well
to keep an eye on the teeth of the tabby who is mothering him.
he doesn't he's credulous enough to believe in the League of Nations.
didn't absolutely need to do such thing, of course).
The Deseret News - Mar. 14, 1922
Cat mothers Rats with litter of Kittens and breaks previous records.
Bloomington, Ills., March 15. By mothering two infant Rats with her newborn
Kittens, Susie, a Cat in the blacksmith shop of Jack Crawford, breaks down all
previous suppositions of Cats. Last Sunday, she added four small Cats to the
feline population of the world. Soon afterward, Lou Wright, a neighbour,
thinking to give Susie a treat, took her to a nest where there were five
newborn Rats.
Instead of making them a meal, Susie started to purr, and laid down and played
with the strangers. However, she remembered her own waiting children and
carried two of the Rats back to her family home, in a cupboard in the
blacksmith shop. Susie struts and purrs when complimented on her unique
motherhood, while four Kittens and two infant Rats crawl over each other on the
Bradford Era - March 17, 1922
ADOPTS RATS - March 16.
death of her Kittens left the local blacksmith shop Cat which adopted two baby
Rats with only the rodents to mother. She gave the Rats a bath today then
romped with them as devotedly as though they were her own Kittens.
blacksmith is authority for the opinion that Susie's adopted children robbed
the Kittens of their nourishment and caused their adoption.
and correct story through the URL)
Moberly Monitor Index, March 20, 1922
April 8, 1922 - The Children's Newspaper
Adopted as a Child
strange story of the conduct of a mother Cat comes from South Africa.
mother Cat, with five Kittens of her own in a soap-box, went a-ratting.
on a mother Rat and five young Rats, she killed the mother and four of the
young Rats, but the fifth of the family she carried off to her own home and
suckled it with her Kittens.
was on the eighth day after this strange adoption that a reporter called to see
pussy's family, and found the mother Cat out, and no young Rat visible with her
five Kittens. But presently the Cat returned, missed her foster child, and,
searching for it, found it under a patch of straw. She brought it out, put it
with the Kittens, and proceeded to suckle the whole mixed family.
Daily Northwestern, March 17, 1922
Daily Record, June 20, 1922
Kittens - Cat adopts Rat
Bluff, Mo., June 20.
port in a storm”, might be the motto of a large Cat owned by Charles Kimbell,
telegraph operator here.
Cat recently gave birth to a half dozen Kittens. Kimbell didn't want to be
bothered with the Cat's progeny and disposed of the young to friends.
they didn’t appear when she thought it time, the mother began to search through
the house and call them. The old Cat continued her search and pitiful calling
through the night until Kimbell began to think he would have to go and get one
of the Kittens to pacify her.
the next day, however, the Cat became silent. Then it was for Kimbell to
search. He was attracted to a dresser by the familiar purring sound. There he
found the old Cat fondly nestling a small Rat.
Rat had grown to considerable size now and while the Cat's teaching has had the
effect of taming the animal somewhat the Rat nature is still in him, and he
insists on tantalizing the stepmother by running away from her and visit native
Cat dislikes for her Rat child to associate to that kind of company, and she
often comes back into the Kimbell home carrying the Rat in the same manner that
she would carry her own children.
The Fayetteville Bulletin - June 1, 1923
Cat mothers Rat when Kittens die.
York, Pennsylvania. A Cat in the
fiber board plant here is mothering a Rat which she adopted when her three
Kittens died. The Rat and the Cat are together constantly and never fight.
Popular Science - Aug. 1923
Store Cat mothers Mice
The show window of a Los Angeles, Calif., store was the place chosen by
Betty, the office Cat, to nurse a brood of Mice.
(Beautiful picture here...)
Kokomo Tribune
- September 19, 1923
Cat That Nurses Rats
Fee has at his feed store in South
Union street a most eccentric
Cat. She is now nursing two baby Kittens and two young Rats.
enough she makes no distinction among the little creatures treating the Rats as
well as she does her own infants.
still she is a good ratter.
can toward the Rats be accounted for natural history students answer is Pass a
nature faker.
Robesonian - 10-11-1923
Dr. T. A. Norment states that on Tuesday morning he found a live Mouse being
kept warm by a Cat and Kittens on his premises. Thinking the Mouse must be dead
or badly injured and that the Cat had it nested away just to play with, he took
it from the nest and examined it, finding it perfectly alive and showing no
signs of mistreatment. He put it back, returned that Wednesday, and found two
Mice bedding with the Cat. All seemed happy and contented.
Lebanon Semi Weekly News - May 8, 1924
Cat mothered
two Rats at Fertig home.
mother Cat nursing two half grown Rats in place of her children of her was
the strange sight wit several days at the premises of Levi Fertig, a grocer and
general merchant at 38 Guillard (...) Street.
Recognizing the fact that his own credulity would be questioned in case he told
the story without Fertig showed the strange sight to a number of neighbors and
friends, all of whom testify to the truth of the Fertig upon going to a
shed on his premises found that the old family Cat had been visited by the
Stork (...).
The amiable bird was grievously stingy in its benefactions as the was but one
Kitten. A day or two later he saw Tabby leave her bed to feed upon some milk
and other food at the place where the Cat is regularly fed, so he went to the
bed to see how kitty was coming. His astonishment may be when he saw two half
grown Rats nestling close to the Kittens.
Suspecting that the Rats were in Fertig stood by and then and his astonishment
grew to amazement when he saw Tabby go back and confer upon the Rats the same
motherly attention as she granted her young. Fertig expected to see the old Cat
grab the Rats for dinner but there was nothing going. It was then that the
neighbors were called, for Tabby is known far and wide as one of the best
ratters in the region, and it is for that reason that the Cat
is so highly prized by Fertig.
The strange litter was left to its unusual association a day and a
night, and then the Rats were drowned since Fertig began to feel that his
Tabby was losing social cast in harboring such trash about the premises and in
time might become depraved enough to invite relatives of her adopted brood
to visit the barn instead of being guardian of the premises against that very
kind of miscreants and vermins; and he states that the Cat actually put up
a fight when they were removed.
Tyrone Daily Herald - 09-05-1924
Cat Adopts Rats
There is a Cat in Monkton, N. R. that has adopted five young Rats. The Cat
feeds the Rats and any time she calls they go into her and nestle around as
Kittens would. The Rats are about a month old and the owner of the Cat has made
quiet a sum of money exhibiting the quaint family.
1924 - The Life Of The Bat
"The same Nique, having only three Kittens of her own, conscientiously
nursed a white Rat I had added to her brood. I even think she felt for this
animal, which must have seemed to her timid and ill begotten, more solicitude
than for the others. A month later the three Kittens and the Rat played
together under the vigilant eye of the mother. Yet I must remark that this
creature from the Far East was a ferocious and exemplary Rat
catcher. After seven years the Rat nursed by the Siamese Cat lives on, but he
is turning grey, and that means old age for a Rat, too".
Fitchburg Sentinel - September 29, 1925
Adopts Four Motherless Rats Which Appear to Be Happy With Two Kittens
Playmates and catdom have reached the Like the Lion and the Lamb the Cat and
the Rat are down together. In fact they are living together with a common
mother in a rather uncommon house Cat.
at Clover Hill farm which supplies many families with milk a litter of Kittens
and a litter of Rats came into the world almost simultaneously. There were
originally four Kittens and 10 little Rats. Death befell the mother Rat and six
of her young also failed to survive the first day. Likewise, two of the brood
of Kittens died before their eyes were opened. Mourning the loss of two of her
Kittens the mother Cat refused to budge from the basket in which she and her
depleted family were placed except to obtain food. The four motherless Rats
were found by Harry, a senior at school and a grandson of W. J. Fish, one of
the proprietors of the farm. As an experiment Harry placed the four Rats In the
basket with the mother Cat and her two Kittens.
was last day and although some days have elapsed the four little Rats are alive
as healthy as their of the Cat family. The mother Cat has nursed the Rats as
well as her Kittens and her peculiar foster children as though they were her
own. The Rats and the little Kittens get along well together. They play with
one another and seem not to mind the fact that they are widely opposite. Harry
Greenough is greatly interested In animals and he expects that his experiment
will result in one of the most unusual turns of nature. Whether the enmity between
Cats and Rats will live or whether they will cling to common mother for the
remainder of their lives remains to be seen.
adpts Rats
May Now Lie Down With Lion. Not long ago a Mama Cat had her Kittens destroyed.
About the same time a nest of young Rats, with their eyes not yet open, was
found and brought to feed the Cat. She carried the Rats, one at a time, into
the house; and the family thought she was eating them. Imagine the surprise, however,
when it was discovered that she had adopted the youngsters, six in number. Two
died, but the remaining four have their eyes open and are doing nicely. John
Holmes is the owner of the Cat and her queer family.
Painesville Telegraph - November 15, 1928
mothers Rat
Fitzgerald, Ga., Nov. 15. - Mrs. Sallie Barnes has
an unusual exhibit on display for friends. It is a Cat mothering Kittens and
one lone baby Rat. The Cat family appears to be perfectly amiable toward its
adopted member.
JUNE 25, 1929
Cat Mothers 5 Young Rats
Chicago, June 25
Molly, the big Maltese Cat who has been the scourge of Rats at the Sangamon
Paper Grading company warehouse, has become foster mother to five young Rats. A
porter last night came upon the Cat and her adopted brood, and, not believing
his eyes, called his boss. Later newspaper cameramen made a photographic record
of what would have seemed without it to be hardly plausible. The opinion was
expressed that Molly had killed the mother of the brood and then had assumed
the maternal role herself. She refuses to permit anyone to take the tiny Rats
from her.
She affectionately raised them to maturity - Oslo, Norway
Logansport Pharos Tribune, May 5, 1930
large black Cat is mothering two infant Mice here. The strange combination was
found by John Laub of Akron Ohio in
a barrel at the Roberts Seed Produce Company. Laub is conducting a Rat
extermination here. The Cat feeds and cares for the Mice as though they were
her Kittens.
said he was informed that the Cat tried the same last year with another crop of
baby Mice. Upon being interviewed Kitty refused to deny or affirm the reports
that she was raising the Mice to eat them when the get grown.
Papers Past Evening Post, Rōrahi CXII,
Putanga 98, 22 Whiringa-ā-nuku
Cat mothers baby Rat
A strange case is reported from the residence of Mr. J. Parkin, of Maunu Road, Whangarei, namely, that of
a Cat mothering a baby Rat (states a local correspondent). Mr. Parking was
digging in his garden and discovered a nest of young Rats. He killed all but
one, which he told one of his children to give to the Cat. It was placed with
the Kittens and their mother, but the Cat made no attempt to kill it. The Cat has
three Kittens about two and a half weeks old, and the Rat is estimated to be
about the same age. When the baby Rat nestles against the Cat, it is usually
found among the three Kittens, and it appears to have become one of the family,
not only feeding with, but playing with the Kittens.
The Montreal Gazette - 10 May, 1931
nurses Fox pups, Rat
Martins, N. B., May 9 - A Cat owned by Mrs. And Mr. Errol Miller here has
mothered a young Rat, two black Fox pups and a Kitten. All at the same time.
Cat had three Kittens, two of which were removed from the nest and the Fox pups
substituted. Later the Rat cuddled up with the group and was nursed by tabby
without discrimination.
story had another sad ending because of the owners...)
Jun. 1931
Cat Mothers White Mice
PATSY, pet Cat of Miss Madge Mahoney, of Brooklyn, must have read all about the
peace talk in Washington and decided to take it to heart, for she has put aside
all her feline hatred of her age-old enemies, Rats, and is mothering four white
rodents as if they were her Kittens.
Pittsburgh Post Gazette - June 24, 1931
Cat mothers Mouse
Escanaba, Mich., Jun 23
Mr. Arthur Gaumont of Masonville, near here, has a Cat who is mothering a baby
Mouse in addition to two Kittens. When tabby washes her little ones, the Mouse
also receives a bath. No one knows how the Mouse got into the box with the
Kittens, but it has been there ever since last Friday.
The Lawrence Daily Journal - World
Tuesday, July 21, 1931 (Page six, upper left).
Cat mothered 9 Rats - Picture above the story.
An Angora Cat owned by Raymond Roush, of Marion, Ohio, was once noted for her aptitude
in exterminating rodents. But she had a change of heart.
One day Roush led the Cat to a nice dinner, a new born litter of Rats, and left
her to enjoy the meal.
When he returned he found the Cat feeding the Rats instead of the Rats feeding
the Cat.
Tuesday morning, May 31, 1932
Cat Mothers Young Rat - Rears rodent in box with her own Kittens.
Acting as mother to a Rat, whose family she had eaten, is the old role assumed
by a Cat in Transvaal.
A native boy working in a shop found a nest of seven Rats and set the shop's
Cat on them. The Cat ate six of the Rats but carried the seventh away with her
Now the Rat is living in a box with the Cat's own Kittens, and the mother Cat
licks and cleans it with the same care she devotes to her own offspring.
If the Rat is taken away from the box, the Cat retrieves it and takes it back
to its playmates.
Bee, April 10, 1933
Mothers Mice - ELIZABETH CITY.
Rice's Cat has started a new deal for the Mice. She's raising them now. When
Rice, a highway foreman at (...), found a bed of Mice in his barn, he killed
all but two. These he placed with his Cat and her small Kittens.
Cat has adopted the Mice and is giving them the same treatment her Kittens
April 19, 1933
The Charleroi Mail
Cat mothers Rats
April 19
against all the laws of nature and it marks the highest point of tolerance in
feline (...), but it’s true, nevertheless.
a mother Cat, is nursing five baby Rats side by side with three newly born
Rats, found in a nest in a Duquesne garden, were thrown into Matty for rations.
Matty didn't eat them. She only stretched out to make room and pushed them
under - there being ample room for everybody.
Rats and Cats had their eyes open today. Squeals and meowing intermingled while
Matty purred contentedly.
seems to feel her brood and foster brood are too busy growing up to pay attention
to born-in-the-blood racial prejudices.
Mothers Rat
Herald. Saturday, May 6, 1933
Ala. - Speaking of adoptions, consider J. P. Petty’s Cat. Her young Kitten died
the other day. Soon afterward the Cat went hunting and caught a young Rat.
Today large crowds were gathered around Petty’s house watching the Cat mother
the Rat.
TERRIL RECORD - 4 / 27 / 1933
Cat Mothers Baby Rats With Her Kittens
Henryetta, Okla. (UP) - An ordinary black and yellow speckled house Cat
has adopted two Rats to raise along with her brood of four Kittens at the
Miracle Sweet Feed mill here. E. A. Croom, part owner of the mill, found a nest
of young Rats in the building. Intending to furnish a wholesome meal for the
mother Cat and her four young ones, Croom placed the baby Rats in the Cat's
pen. Instead of devouring them, however, the sympathetic Cat promptly began to
mother them.
July 20, 1934
killing a Rat, a Cat in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, is mothering its victim's
family of eight young Rats
story here (in that site, the stories are very hard to see):
August 9, 1934 - Laredo Times
Nurses Rat.
Dog caught a Rat, but before the Dog could start his meal Goodman's Cat carried
the Rat away and put it among her Kittens. The young Rat was injured and the
Cat nursed it back to health.
is MY baby, leave it right now, ‘Big mouth’”, would have said the Cat if she
had the chance).
The Argus (Melbourne, Vic.) 1848 - 1956
18, 1934
Mothers Rats
to the many stories we have had of strange foster-parents Rene Wells
(Grassgunya - Balmoral) tells how a bereaved Cat tried to adopt some young
Mrs. Wells lifted an old tank lid she found a nest of six young Rats. A mother
Cat, which a few days earlier had lost her Kittens, heard the Rats squeaking.
She picked up one in her mouth and began to carry it away, and when it was
taken from her she went to the other young Rats and cuddled them. As the young
Rats were being killed the Cat rushed forward with her tail bristling and tried
to save them.
N. Y. - December 6, 1934
Maltese Cat In the home of Sheriff O. M. Barnes of Hickory, N. C, adopted a brood of Mice
and raised them.
Eagle - 5 Sep. 1935
MOTHERS MOUSE - Baraboo, Wis. - (U.P). A mother Cat has added a Mouse to her
family of four Kittens at Harry Simmon's Farm.
The mother, Mouse and Kittens are the best of pals, Simmons said.
Albert Lea Evening Tribune, December 12, 1935
Adopts Rochester Rats When Kittens Die
mother instinct is in question even an innate desire to lunch on any and all
rodents must give way.
months ago Billy, a Cat owned by Robert Mertz proprietor of Bob's Bakery, had
two Kittens.
Kittens died in a few weeks and the forlorn mother was left alone.
Mr Mertz had two young white Rats in his basement and after half an hour of
stern but kindly instruction Billy adopted them.
their milk diet infancy the Cat suckled the Rats and while they have now
graduated to a bread of fare they still come to Billy for their family rub down
and sleep with her in a box.
as any Kitten the Rats crawl all over Billy and most drive her to distraction
inserting their pointed noses into her mouth; sometimes their whole heads.
Mertz is conducting a feeding experiment with the two Rats at present.
River Journal, January 2, 1936
adopts Rats when Kittens die
- When mother instinct is in question, even a feline’s desire to lunch on any
and all rodents must give way. Two months ago, Billy, a Cat owned by Robert
Merkz, proprietor of Bob’s Bakery, had two Kittens. The Kittens died in a few
weeks and the forlorn mother was left alone. But Mr. Robert had two young white
Rats in is basement, and after a hour of stern but kindly instruction, Billy
adopted them. During their milk diet infancy, the Cat suckled the Rats, and
while they have now graduated to a bread bill-of fare, they still come to Billy
for their daily rub down and wash, and sleep with her in a box of excelsior.
Playful as any Kitten, the Rats crawl all over Billy and almost drive her to
distraction by putting their pointed noses into her mouth, sometimes their
whole heads.
New Castle News, August 15, 1938
It Or Not Cat Adopts Rats
the strange phenomenon of a female Cat, the sworn enemy of the Rat adopting two
young rodents was related by William B of (...)
Warren O (...) formerly of this city hearing his Dogs barking in an alarmed
manner went out to see what was the cause of the disturbance.
he saw their Cat fighting two Dogs off from a box within a small barn on the
that the Cat had lost all her Kittens in an unknown manner he saw what could be
within the box that she was so desperately protecting and taking a look
discovered that it was two young Rats.
LONDON - A Cat mothering a Mouse?
Ed Myers, guard captain at the London prison farm, said a Cat at his farm home
is raising an orphan Mouse and a Rabbit.
Ruston Daily
Leader - February 17, 1936
correctly written here):
has adopted mouse in the Roman Catholic Presbytery.
caught the Mouse and brought it home to her. The Mouse survived the now it
refuses to leave it plays with the eats and sleeps with them and even ventures
to nip the mother Cat’s ear.
Woodland Daily Democrat - April 22, 1936
Adopts Baby Rats
and Rats of the Woodland Rice Milling Company Wednesday were rounding out their
“Believe it or not” act for Robert Ripley.
mother Cat grieved because her lover Tommy killed her Kittens, and choked life
from a mother Rat so that she might adopt her five, small Rats. The five Rats,
liking their new home, nursed from mother Cat and were gaining in weight when
the same Tom Cat came along to hold another slaying party. Tommy killed the
Mice. Early Wednesday morning the mother Cat was the object of pity from a
group of employees of the Milling Company. They stand ready to testify that the
Cat did adopt the Mice and that they were getting along when the second killing
took place.
Kingsport Times - April 24, 1936
nurses Rat - Has own litter
Momsy -10 years old Persian-Maltese Cat belonging to Harold Lane, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Worley Lane, 610 Dale Street has become senile, in her old age-, is
the only explanation that can be given for a strange phenomenon that has taken
place in the Cat's family.
is mothering a young Rat along with four small Kittens from a litter belonging
to her own offspring.
morning Mr. Lane went to an outbuilding to feed the
Cats and found the young Rat nursing from the mother Cat along with the four
Kittens. All seemed perfectly content.
believing his own eyes, Mr. Lane summoned other members of his family
to verify the situation. And sure enough, Momsy was caring of the Rat as if it
were one of her own litter.
and Whitey, the latter five year old offspring of the older Cat, produced
Kittens at about the same time. All of Momsy's Kittens died so she decided to
take Whitey's brood into her own fold.
refused to allow the Cat to steal her own grandchildren so returned them to their
rightful mother. The next day Momsy appropriated the Rat and the Kittens also
Momsy and Whitey are mothering both the Kittens and the Rat, taking turns about
feeding the brood.
The Free Lance Star - May 4, 1936
Cat mothers infant Mouse - Portsmouth, Va., May 4. (AP).
K. T. Beauchamp of Cradock, Norfolk County, believes he has a Cat that can
qualify for a place in Ripley's "Believe it or not" Department. The
Cat is caring of a brood of Kittens. Among the brood is a Mouse which the
mother Cat is feeding and caring for as one of her own. Since Cats are
accustomed to feasting on Mice and Rats, Mr. Beauchamp's may be considered in a
class by herself.
The Deseret News - Oct. 24, 1936
Cat mothers a Rat
Bubbins, the mother Cat, had that motherly feeling when Bob, the Rat, arrived
to the scene some weeks ago. Since then she has taken care of him as though he
were her own baby Kitten instead of a Rat, which, under ordinary circumstances,
she would have very much to eat. Both are owned by Mrs. Ethel Main, Sacramento.
However, there came a time when Bob's nose was kind of out of place, so to
speak, for his mother had a family of her own. A picture of Bob was snapped
when he was trying to share a meal with the three baby Kittens, but without
much success. Bob was not entirely deserted, though, as can be seen by the
unusual pose in another picture which shows Bubbin's and her new child eating
December 3, 1936
Adopts Baby Rat - Jealous Kittens Meow
Pompton Lakes, N. J., December 3.
discord broke out in the cardboard domicile of Pickles, a Cat; over the
attention she lavished on a four inch baby Rat she rescued from a blazing
ice house and adopted as her own.
mother other offspring, two survivors from a litter of nine, mewed their
jealousy of the member in their cellar home.
previously had quite a reputation as a ratter in kitchens and barnyards
Hamill, 40, owner of the Lakeside Hotel, said Pickles dashed out of the burning
icehouse with the Rat grasped in her teeth and carried it to the cellar.
dinner”, he explained, “the dinged thing just crawls in the box and snuggles
between the Kittens”.
the Kittens play, it just sits down sleepy-eye and watches.
the Cat went to the rescue... Facing great danger, only to save a Rat, one of
the biggest lessons that anyone could learn).
The Daily Independent - Murphysboro, Illinois - Friday, May 7, 1937
Nursed By Mother Cat At Johnston City
Frankfort - Johnston City skeptics yesterday and today crowded into Kroger's
store in that city to witness an unheard phenomena: a baby Rat and three
Kittens peaceably nursing the mother Cat.
store Cat, of the common gray and white variety, yesterday sprang into
prominence and into print when she adopted an orphaned gray Rat, also of the
common grey variety.
it seems, who is "at home" at the Kroger Store, became the mother of
three gray and white Kittens ten days ago.
Kittens were happily homed in a box at the rear of store.
who evidently decided that three youngsters constituted a scarce family,
discovered in a scavenger hunt the baby Rat of undetermined age, carried it
home and dropped it into the nursery.
(...) feeding time in which the stray outsider received nourishment with the
Kittens, Tabby impartially washed the Rat along with her own three Kittens.
Trinkle is manager of the Johnston City store
and Dom Crakowicz of West
Frankfort is butcher.
City residents, who now claim a phenomena rivaling any freaks of Ripley's
Believe it or not, (...) have been interested visitors in the store.
majority, who were rather dubious of tales told by neighbors and friends, came
to see and became confirmed believers.
correctly written, in some page of this newspaper):
Reading Eagle - May 22, 1937
Cat adopts two Rats
Poughkeepsie. N. Y. - May 22. Topsy, an alley Cat, adopted baby Rats when
nature sent her only three Kittens, take it from Antonio Saintomas, restaurant
Saintomas called in witnesses when he doubted the testimony of his own
eyesight, as he discovered Topsy carrying the brood one by one in her mouth to
a warm spot in Saintomas kitchen.
Oakland Tribune - May 28, 1937
Mothers 2 Baby Rats
with her two Kittens and two adopted baby Rats nestling together in a granary
here had employees puzzled today.
and relentless ratter was giving the young Rats the same care she was providing
for the Kittens.
Danville, Va. - A mother Cat caught a Wharf Rat and
gave it to her three Kittens to play with. Now the Rat nurses with the Kittens
and the strangely assorted family lives in apparently complete harmony.
New Castle News, August 15, 1938
It Or Not Cat Adopts Rats
the strange phenomenon of a female Cat the sworn enemy of the Rat adopting two
young rodents was related by William B of (...)
Warren O (...) formerly of this city hearing his Dogs barking in an alarmed
manner went out to see what was the cause of the disturbance.
he saw their Cat fighting two Dogs off from a box within a small barn on the
that the Cat had lost all her Kittens in an unknown manner he saw what could be
within the box that she was so desperately protecting and taking a look
discovered that it was two young Rats.
1938 - Cat Adopts Rat
Johnnie, a baby Muskrat, was discovered by Fred S. Parmaiee, who was plowing a
corn field. At first the Parmalee family fed Johnnie with a spoon. One morning
they found the house Cat nursing Johnnie along with her own four tiny, day-old
Kittens. She has mothered him ever since.
Cass City Chronicles
The Glasgow Herald - January 14, 1939
in the barn.
infinite care the gray Cat gripped the Kitten by the scruff, and, treading
delicately, crossed the barn floor to the old straw box. Cautiously the Kitten was
lowered, and laid meowing. Thrice the Cat trod the cement floor, each time
bearing a Kitten, but on her return to the door she seemed puzzled. Somehow she
remembered another baby. One was missing.
she roamed about near the door, seeking the missing Kitten. She meowed for it,
first softly and tenderly. Gradually, as fright overtook her, the sound
became shrill and urgent. She stiffened suddenly as her ear caught the
answering call, very faintly, through the darkness. She darted across and, scolding
gently, picked up the furry, crying ball.
so it came about that when I looked into the box next morning I saw her
mothering three Kittens and a baby Rat, apparently strayed from a nest
somewhere in the barn. It was later that I found the last Kitten at the back of
the barn, frozen.
the days passed the Cat treated the Rat as one of her own. Meticulously she
washed it, showed it where to drink, rewarded it, and punished it, exactly as
she did with her Kittens, and I wondered how long this paradoxical family could
remain together. But tragedy came soon.
the barn one day I heard a thin scream of pain. Entering I saw the Rat
bleeding, crawling across the floor towards the box, while a black Cat dashed
at it, scratching and biting. The attacker's forays became more vicious and the
calls of assistance feebler, but at length they were heard.
a gray streak the mother went into battle, mad with fury. Tearing claws ripped
Blackie's fur. Crying and spitting, she drove the intruder back until it fled
with a yelp of submission.
mother went over to the broken body of the Rat and meowed comfortingly. Her
delicate tongue stroke the broken flesh. Gently she nuzzled the pain-racked
body, but she had come too late. The squeaks of pain grew weaker, then ceased.
Tenderly she picked up the body and took it to the box.
the most cute, sad and tender motherly story).
The Miami News - 14 May, 1939
Atlanta, May 13 - Baby Rats suckled by Cat.
unusual phenomenon took place at the home of W. L. Zimmerman, residing near Nashville, Tenn., when six motherless baby Rats
took refuge with a barnyard mother Cat, after she had lost all but one of her
new-born Kittens. The little rodents made themselves right at home, and neither
the Cat nor her strange bed-mates seemed to mind.
In Page 20
The Cato Citizen - June 1, 1939
Hamlin, Dixie, farmer Ernest
Sprague's Cat, has adopted a Rat.
instinct got the better of her predatory urges after she had found a Rat's nest
and destroyed three of the four young. She picked up the fourth, deposited it
with her litter of Kittens, and is nursing it impartially.
August 22, 1939
- Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
mothers Mice
Fostoria, Ohio.
pet Cat and the best mouser on the Glenn Deckard Farm near here, has had a
change of heart and is mothering five baby field Mice which Deckard found in a
nest and brought to Tabby, presumably for a feast.
Syracuse Herald Journal - May 1, 1940
Drive Cat plays a trick on nature; raises baby Rats with her own Kittens
"Here is 'Little Tice' and her family of four Kittens and two Rats. The
Rats, only a week old and about three inches in length were adopted by the
mother Cat yesterday".
MOTHERLY SCENE - which greeted the Herald Journal photographer when he visited the
Stearns Poultry Farm at 2303
Valley Drive.
Tice" proudly posed with her family.
(Pictures here):
Clovis News
Journal - May 14, 1940
mothers Rats she orphaned
Butler, Pa. -
A mother Cat whose Kittens were killed by a Tomcat came upon a family of Rats
in a barn at the L. N. Hischberger home.
killed the mother Rat, but adopted the family of baby Rats as her own, carrying
them gently to another barn to raise them.
and correct names, here):
Bakersfield Californian
18, 1940
N. J. - A Cat belonging to Mrs. Bertha Teall has adopted two tiny Rats and is
mothering them with her 4-week old litter of Kittens. The Cat, a notorious good
ratter, amazed Mrs. Teall.
Lima News,
September 20, 1940
20 UP - George Ramberg today found his Cat which gave birth to five Kittens
last week nursing seven furry objects. The extra pair were baby Rats.
Hammond Times, December 13, 1940
Mothers Baby Rats
becoming mother of five Kittens, one night the Cat scoured the neighborhood,
and she found two baby Rats which she mothers and feeds.
Minneapolis, Minn. (UP) - A white Mouse belonging to Marshall Couch, 17, not
only plays with the Couch family Cat, eats from the same dish, sleeps in the
same box, but the Cat is nursing a litter of Mice.
Angeles Times - April 10, 1941
Yow Yow, a gray Tabby Cat, kills the mother and father of six baby Rats. Yow
Yow brings the baby Rats back
home to play with her three Kittens at 453 North Mission Road. As Yow Yow
carries the Rats one-by-one to their new home, she spies a Mouse on the street.
She puts down the baby Rat and eats the Mouse. Then she picks up the baby Rat
and continues home. Both the Kittens and baby Rats sleep together. Yow Yow even
nurses the Rat babies.
to the Times: “Feeding time found Kittens and rodents sharing alike and the
purring mother nursing her greatly enlarged family”.
TORRANCE HERALD - Torrance, California
Bone, a large tiger-striped Cat, has adopted two baby Rats into her family of
Kittens. The four nurslings play and feed together.
The news and Courier - May 15, 1941
News Roundup)
(6th paragraph): A Los Angeles Cat started nursing a brood of Rats.
Manitowoc Herald Times, July 10, 1941
Kittens of her own - Cat adopts two Rats
Kan. - Lacking Kittens of her own, the four year old Persian Cat owned by Mrs.
McPherson has adopted two tiny Rats to mother.
Kills Mother Rat, Adopts Her 6 Young
Antonio Express - April 10, 1941
feed-fertilizers plant’s Cat killed a Rat and adopted her 6 young one by one,
to the nest of her three Kittens. The Cat began to nurse Kittens and Rats
alike. Plant employees said the Cat, in transferring one of the Rats to her
nest, dropped it for a minute to catch and eat a Mouse and then resumed her
Cat adopts young Rat, Rodent thrives on
new formula - August 7, 1943
When five three day-old Kittens open their eyes at the Production Engineering
Plant, 9th St. and Dwight way, they will find a little brother who will
surprise them. For mama Cat, bighearted feline that she is, has adopted a baby
Rat as a sixth member of the family. Plant employs tell that an old shed torn
down on the place uncovered a Rat's nest with five Rats apparently the same age
as the Kittens. Inspired by the Berkeley's
Anti-Rats Campaign, workers slaughtered the young rodents, but not before the
Cat had effected a rescue. Picking up one Ratling by the neck she bore it off
triumphantly to the family home where she proceeded to give it liquid
refreshment. The Rat, approximately the same size as his brothers and sisters,
is reported to be thriving on its present formula.
And in this case, the question is that she rescued him... Just like she would
have made with them all if she could have done it. A very good proof of her
intentions toward the little baby who was loosing his brothers.
The Register Guard, Eugene, Oregon - Oct. 12, 1943
Cat adopts baby Rat to replace Kitten!
Sacramento - A pet Cat, used to keep Rats out of the Sacramento Wool Company,
gave birth to seven Kittens. But one of Pachita's new arrivals died.
So she found a baby Rat, adopted it, and now feeds, washes, and takes care of
the Rat like one of her own Kittens. She carefully runs off other Cats who are
still good mousers.
The Pampa News - April 7, 1944
ADOPTS BABY RATS: This Tabby, kept by a Galveston rice mill to chase Rats, had
a change of heart after she rolled over and accidentally killed her four
adopted a new family... Nine baby Rats, shown above.
LIFE - Google Books, 4 / 22 / 1946
"Mother Cats in Texas, Washington, New York and other places have adopted baby
Rats or Mice ad nursed them along with their own Kittens".
Cat Adopts Three Rats - Ottawa Citizen - May 21, 1947
Oneco, AP. Strange bedfellows occupy a nursery set up in a box in the Stanley Becker Store. In addition to her four
Kittens, Brownie, a four year old Cat, is feeding three newborn Rats, about the
size of mature Mice.
Brownie adopted the Rats after catching them in the premises. Her Kittens are
about three weeks old.
The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. Tuesday
25 May 1948
Cat Mothers baby Rats
owned by Mrs. E. Manson, of New market Road, Windsor, has become foster mother
to two young Rats.
It happened this
way: Tortie gave birth to five Kittens, three of which were destroyed. A day
later Mrs. Manson’s Dog killed a Rat in the yard.
Next day Mrs.
Manson noticed two young Rats had joined Tortie’s family and were being fed and
cleaned by the Cat. On Sunday night Tortie lost one of the Rats.
Yesterday Tortie
was lavishing the same maternal affection on the baby Rat as on her Kittens,
and last night Mrs. Manson discovered that the Cat had adopted a third young
The future of the
foster children is precarious.
The Pittsburgh Press - March 5, 1950
adopts Rats instead of eating them
Louisville, Ky., March 4, UP.
black Cat turned out to be lucky for two baby Rats.
a mother Cat with three Kittens, was given a feast of 15 tiny Rats yesterday.
Instead of eating them, she adopted them.
story continues, but with something sad, and as usually not because the Cat
suddenly killed the babies, of whom she kept nursing two.
Reading Eagle - March 22, 1950
Jersey City: Minnie, the railroad Cat, has temporarily abandoned her reputation
as a good mouser to adopt a baby Mouse. She added the baby to her litter of
three Kittens yesterday and since then the Mouse is one of the family.
Herald Journal - Jun 29, 1950 - Cat
Nurses Rats
Copenhagen - Farmer Christian Harpoeth of Toender, South Jutland, found his Cat
nursing 5 well-fed young Rats.
Some time ago her Kittens had been drowned and since then, the Cat had hidden.
When traced she was taking care of the Rats. Now she is mourning the loss of
her other children, who had been drowned, too.
(How bad for those who did that... And what a love of hers to cry for some
little Rats to whom besides she was mothering...)
Tuesday May 8, 1951
Seattle, UP
Cat Mothers Rats
Paul Holmes mother Cat didn't waste any time grieving when one of her Kittens
She promptly headed into nearby woodland and returned shortly with a new baby
in her mouth.
The new baby -now nursed by the mother Cat- is a Rat.
"The Mouse actually is the best eater of the family and often lingers
after the Kittens have left the table".
The Milwaukee Journal - Aug. 2, 1951
Cat takes on role on her Rat victim.
Vancouver, B. C.: Dopey, a white and Black Cat from a warehouse, must have been
remorseful. Five baby Rats became orphans when she killed a large mother Rat in
her prowling by the warehouse. Now the Cat is feeding a little Rat and two
litters of Kittens. The other four Rat babies died later.
Dopey is mothering her own Kittens and her daughter's, who passed after two
weeks since giving birth.
Morning Avalanche - May 7, 1954
mother Cat owned by Mrs Lawrence Miller of Flint has adopted a baby Rat, shown drinking
milk from a saucer with its friends. Mrs Miller found a nest of nine baby Rats
and gave away five. The mother Cat killed three of the remaining four but for
some reason took a liking to the fourth and adopted it. She nurses the Rat
along with her offspring. - AP
Newspapers - The Singapore Free Press
18 May 1954 - Page 8
CAT MOTHERED RATS - When her Kittens were destroyed, a Cat owned by Mr. P.
Poynter of Denton, Norfolk adopted two baby Rats found on the farm. But Mrs.
Poynter objected strongly when, alter growing up, they ran all over the house.
So they, too, have just been destroyed.
The Straits Times
(Singapore) - March 15, 1955
Osaka, Japan: A Cat here is
nursing her four Kittens and a Rat.
Reading Eagle - March 24, 1955
Ohara, Japan: Seikichi
Yamaguchi's Cat, Koma, blissfully nurses her 4 Kittens, and a 6-inch Rat.
Mason City
Globe Gazette
29, 1957
peaceful maternal scene is enacted daily in the storeroom of a Los Angeles coffee shop.
that's Baby, a mother Cat, nursing a Mouse! Baby's job is to keep Mice out of
the storeroom, but the Mouse squeezed in with Baby's newest litter of four
Kittens and "mom" doesn't seem to mind. The Mouse actually is the
best eater of the family and often lingers after the Kittens have left the
Apr. 29, 1957 - Times Daily
(Repeated, with some variations):
Angeles - Ever heard of a Cat
adopting a black field Mouse?
Baby, Al Orozco's Cat, had four Kittens recently. Orozco, admiring the Kittens,
was amazed to find a field Mouse contentedly nursing with the Kittens.
"She thinks more of that Mouse than she does of her Kittens", said
Orozco. "She keeps the Mouse spotless, always nuzzling it and licking
it". "What a Cat", Orozco said, "Know why we got her. To
keep Mice out of the storeroom - and just look at her..."
Corsicana Daily Sun - July 18, 1957
worker Bob McCue made his customary visit to a corner of the warehouse being
used as a nursery by an alley Cat and her five. The Cat lay complacently
feeding her young ones. She apparently didn't know a 1,12 inch field Mouse was at the dinner.
April 13, 1959
Mothers Baby Rats
black mother Cat has become a Jackson County celebrity. The silky feline has
reversed the natural conduct of her species and adopted two baby Rats that she
nurses and protects with fierce devotion.
strange twist in the law of nature occurred more than a week ago in the William
H. Bourgeois farm after the Cat had given birth to five Kittens. Two of them
disappeared. At about the same time Bourgeois shifting baled hay saw and killed
a large Rat. She left two little Rats too young to forage for themselves. The
Cat, in her prowls the loft of the Bourgeois barn found them. Now they replace
the two Kittens she lost.
Rats live in perfect harmony with the Kittens and their mother. They have grown
fat and frisky. Instead of fleeing from their enemy of all time they run to her
for food and protection. Efforts by members the Bourgeois family to remove the
Rats and destroy them brought snarling spitting defiance from the Cat. Scores
of persons have to the Bourgeois farm to view the freak adoption. But none will
predict the future of the Rats now rapidly reaching full growth. The Cat may be
smarter than most people.
The Singapore Free Press, 14 April, 1960 - Page 6
Odd things animals do
In a village 80 miles from Saigon,
a Cat suckles three Mice. The owner of the Cat, a farmer, finds it difficult to
move around his house because of the crowd of unbelievers. While the sight is
understandably surprising, it also shows up how our minds are filled with
preconceived notions about what is natural in life. The Cat suckling three Mice
destroys an established concept of what is natural. Will the South-Africans,
for instance, ever shatter their concept of black being an unnatural color for
human beings?
Independent Press Telegram, May 5, 1963
mothers Mice (Very hard to find in this page)
The All-American Show System for 1963-64
By Mrs. A. M. Dickie
The Maternal instinct is so strong in Cats that they have been known to suckle
puppies, Rabbits and even Rats. In a certain stable there was a stall in which
five young Rats were playing. A mother Cat had five Kittens, three of which
were taken from her and drowned. Pussy went to the stall caught up two of the
little Rats, suckled them and brought them up, which was all the more
remarkable as she was a noted enemy and hunter of Rats and Mice.
Apr. 15, 1965 - Reading Eagle
Cat adopts Mouse - Palermo,
Sicilly (UPI): A mother Cat, suckling three Kittens, has adopted a fourth
infant: a tiny Mouse. Pensioner Biaggio Martillaro, who owns the Cat, says that
the Mouse bumped into the Kittens a week ago, stayed to play with them and was
adopted into the family.
(There had to be one also in this year!)
Lebanon Daily News - May 18, 1967
the pet Cat of the maintenance crew at a Chico country club benignly lets one
of her foster children, a baby Rat, walk over her paw.
Crystal is raising a litter of baby Rats with
her own Kittens. Workmen had found the baby Rats and dropped them in the barrel
where Crystal was raising her own so that the Rats
would provide a tasty snack for her. Instead the motherly Cat adopted them and
is raising them.
The Times Record - May 27, 1967
adopts Mice.
(AP): Olimpio Borz rounded up some big Cats to get rid of Rats and Mice that
had been after his Chickens in his Italian alpine town.
the Pussy posse had done her work, Borz reported he found one of the female
Cats in his attic, peacefully nursing two baby Mice who apparently had been
orphaned in the campaign.
Jul. 1, 1967 - The Owosso Argus Press
Cat nurses baby Rats
Albuquerque, N. M. - A four year old Siamese Cat is nursing four baby Rats
along with her five Kittens at the home of Dan Juech.
The baby Rats were brought home by one of the family's youngsters who held the
Cat's mouth until she got used to the idea.
The Free Lance-Star Journal, April 14, 1973
Dear Mother, Why Me?,1633683
Cactus the Cat fooled Mother Nature and she might live to regret it. The generous feline had adopted four baby Rats to add to her litter of six Kittens. Her owner, Mrs, Dale Charleston of Tacoma, Wash., said her pet mother Rat died and left her offspring to fend for themselves.
Cactus adopted them and not only feeds them, but also gives them a tongue-licking bath afterwards.
The Evening Independent - Jun. 24, 1970
Cat mothers Rat
Spooky, a mama Cat owned by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guidry of Atlanta, Tex.,
evidently hasn't heard that Cats and Rats just aren't supposed to fraternize.
Spooky took the tiny Wood Rat to raise along with her Kittens.
Journal News, August 13, 1974
THE JANUARY 1974 letter is from Mrs. Joseph Spa 710 Ave. She remembers when the
Cigar Store was at the northwest corner of Third and High and Henry had his (…)
her family of nine little Rats on display in the store and her Rats were in a
(...) L. J. man had her on (...) worked at the Champion Paper Co. in the stock.
Thelma strayed in one day and my dad fed her and she became his pet.
One day a fellow workman came in with nine baby Rats and said "here
is a nice meal for her", but instead of killing and eating the
Rats Thelma nursed them like her own children. The Rats grew and became
large and finally we had to destroy them. Thelma then finally came and
lost her life in the 1913. We never saw her after that, but still
have a picture of Thelma and her family of Rats.
Sure wish see it. Henry's Mrs. Alma when I'm on you'll be kind enough to let me
drop by your home and take a peek at the photo of Thelma.
Las Cruces Sun News, December 1, 1975
Mothers Mice - JOHANNESBURG, South Africa
Dworetzky's Cat has been raising five baby Mice along with her own two Kittens.
Farm hands at Sunderbands (...) Estate about 40
miles southwest of Johannesburg recently killed a Mouse and discovered
her babies with their eyes still closed. They showed the baby Mice to the Cat
as an experiment. She normally goes after Mice, said Izzy Dworetzky, but we
were delighted when she fondly caressed them and now has allowed them to
suckle. These Mice get along fine too with her own Kittens.
(Taken from an edition translated and
published by Charles Schindler in 1976 from Hergiswil, Switzerland).
"A third example is a story describing how a Cat on a strip sailing from
New York to Hamburg whose Kittens had been thrown into the sea, took young Rats
out of their nest to mother them".
Ocala Star
Banner - 25 Jul, 1977
a Cat at the J&H Feed Store in Greeneville, Tenn., ate the parents of these two
baby Rats on her back but decided to rear infants with her own brood of six.
Now here should be Houan, the Cat who
found a baby Mouse in Thailand and adopted him instead of making a
good meal; only I'm not sure if she actually gave him her mother milk.
Where in that big ocean will be now the
other pearls? ...I’m still looking for all the “Cat breastfeeds Rats / Mice”
stories between 1970 and 2001.
Rome News-Tribune
- Mar 31, 2002
that nursed Rat among memories of living in Braswell
our family was at Braswell in Paulding County, the Singletons lived on a farm
nearby. They had a large family and some of the boys came to dances that we
had. Genevieve Dodd ad I used to walk over to their place to visit with the
oldest daughter.
time we were there and Mr. Singleton took us to the barn to show us something
unusual. In the barn loft we found a female Cat with a fairly new litter of
Kittens, not unusual within itself. However, the Rat that was nursing along
with the Kittens was very unusual. It seems the mama Cat had adopted the Rat
and accepted it as one of her Kittens. It nursed right along with the Kittens.
Canadian Press - July 15, 2003 - 05:15 PM
CRANBROOK, Canada - A family awoke Tuesday to find their Cat nursing two Mice
along with her seven week-old Kittens.
Irene Weller said one of her daughters found some baby Mice in their home the
day before.
"I didn't want Mice in the house". Weller said. So the baby rodents
were promptly thrown outside.
But on Tuesday morning, the Weller's saw their Cat Patches nursing and caring
for the Mice as if they were part of her litter. She's actually feeding the
Patches was upset they weren't in the bed. All she wanted to do was lick them.
"When we put them back in the bed Patches calmed right down".
Dongguan, Guangdong - 12/10/03
Deadly Huntress Mothers Potential Meal
Cats are commonly thought to be every Mouse's nightmare. But a Dongguan
resident surnamed Wang has learned this isn't always the case, reported
Information Times. He’s seen for himself that a Cat can be a rodent's best
friend. Shortly after Wang's Cat gave birth to three Kittens, Wang caught an
infant Mouse to feed the mother to keep up her strength, but he was surprised
the next day to find the baby Mouse and Kittens happily playing together... And
the mother even let the infant Mouse feed from her milk.
May 10, 2004: Cat gets maternal with
A female Cat in Changchun, Jilin Province, shows maternal love to Rats when she
breastfeeds both her own Kittens and six baby Rats at the same time. A woman
has a female Cat, which recently delivered four Kittens. One of her friends
later gave her six baby Rats, so that the Cat could eat them during the
breastfeeding time. However, to the surprise of all, the mother feeds them too.
Cat Gives Birth To Mouse-Like Kitten
(CBS4 News) TUNISIA - Mar 13, 2006 - 3:47 pm US/Eastern
A Cat in Tunisia has given birth to something strange.
According to the owner of the Cat, the litter included 5 regular Kittens, and
one that more resembles a Mouse.
The owner says the nose, mouth and ears look like that of a Mouse, but the rest
of the body is that of a Cat. The mother Cat doesn't seem to notice or mind.
She's nursing and taking care of it, just like the Kittens.
2006-06-04 - 13:45:41 - China Daily
Two baby Mice rest near a Cat's head as she feeds her new litter on a farm in
Dongfeng County, northeast China's Liaoning Province. The owner says she gave
the Mice to the Cat to eat, but the feline soon adopted them.
China Pets
- 2006: Mimi Is The Mother Of Four Kittens And A Rat From China.
It was one of two Rat babies that her owner brought for her, few days after
Mimi gave birth.
Surprisingly, Mimi cleaned them up by licking. The two Rat babies haven't opened
their eyes at that time; they crawled over to Mimi, found her nipples and
started drinking milk.
One of her Rats passed away in an accident. However, Mimi's still breastfeeding
the remaining Rat and Kittens everyday.
April 11, 2007 - Mother Cat In Shijiazhuang
The Cat was brought into a children's clothing store to catch Mice, reports Yanzhao City News.
Ten days ago, the Cat gave birth to five Kittens. "She stays in the box
all day long, taking care of her babies, but three days ago, my colleague found
a small Mouse playing with the Kittens", said a spokesman for the store in Shijiazhuang City.
The Cat brought the Mouse to her residence in the market one day after she gave
birth to her Kittens.
"The Cat was protecting the Mouse, and would become alert if anyone came
too close".
The store staff threw the Mouse out once, but immediately the Cat -who dotes
upon the Mouse as if it were one of her offspring-, showing distress and
searching for her baby, ran to bring it back and let it play with her Kittens.
Mama Cat nurses baby Mice - 13 May 2007
A mother Cat in the Turkish city of Zonguldak shocked her owners recently with her
adopted family, a group of baby Mice she feeds alongside her own Kittens.
Placed in a shed to catch Mice, the Cat, who had just given birth, began
nursing and caring for the baby Mice who now sleep and play with their feline
dumbblnddzzy (10630) ranked 85 out of 5,710 in cats - 2007
Yes Cat's quite often come to the rescue of some baby or another. It is quite
common here in the US for this to be happening. My friend's
Cat nursed some Mice as the momma had died. It was the cutest thing you ever
saw... Lori
Dachsie's Bulletin Board
06:04 PM
also heard of this on the news but never saw any pics. Isn’t it funny how
animals are, we just never know. When I was a young girl my bro brought home a
friend from the navy.
were down at the pond and he found a baby Muskrat on the bank. He picked it up
and I asked what was he going to do with it.
said he was taking it up to my mom to place with the Kittens we had.
him being a city boy, I told him that mother Cat is going to think it is a big
Rat and eat it.
lo and behold that old mother Cat nursed that Muskrat and when it was big
enough my mom took it back to the pond.
was young and picture taking back then never occurred to me or I would have taken
plenty, wished I did.
Cat Miracles: Inspirational True Stories
of Remarkable Felines - Google Books, 2008
Joseph tells an even more remarkable story in the instance of a barnyard Cat in Beaumont, Jersey, England, that adopted a baby Mouse.
The Cat had eaten the little rodent's mother with great relish, but then,
instead of bringing the helpless Mouse back to her own Kittens to be a live
demonstration of hunting skills, the Cat had pity on the tiny thing and brought
it back into her fold and began nurturing it together with her own Kittens.
Several weeks later the Mouse, having survived the attentions of his feline
siblings, wandered off into the nearby woods. Then, as astonishing as it may
seem, the mother Cat, distraught at loosing one of her babies, yowled
mournfully into the night until the wayward Mouse returned home to the
strangest nest a Mouse has ever occupied.
From Topix, Local News, Honolulu Forum, 2008:
"I had a pet, momma, Tabby Cat that would nurse domesticated, Irish Gray,
baby Rats! But, when the momma Rat came around looking for her baby Rats, the
mommy would attack".
June 2008 - And A Mother In Yantai
A pet Cat in China has adopted a Rat which she is nursing alongside her four
Sun Shujun, of Yantai City, says the Rat has been living with her Cat since the
Kittens were born four weeks ago.81 year old Sun says that a neighbor came to
see the Kittens on the day they were born and was amazed to see a Rat suckling
alongside them.
"At the beginning, I thought I must have seen wrong. So I took a
flashlight and had a clear look", said the neighbour.
The Rat not only drinks Cat's milk, but also plays with its Kitten brothers and
sisters, according to the Qilu Evening Post.
The Cat reportedly treats the Rat exactly the same as her natural Kittens and
it has become part of her family. Sun reckons her maternal instincts must have
overwhelmed her predatory instincts to allow her to adopt an animal she would
normally see as prey.
Book "Rabbits, Cats And
Cavies" - 2009
A remarkable curiosity of natural history is reported from Swanage. A Cat
belonging to Miss Vincent of the Victoria Royal Hotel, was the proud mother of
four Kittens, which she was rearing in a Cow shed. One of the servants on going
to the shed was surprised to find a Rat suckling with the Kittens, the Cat
nursing the rodent with as much solicitude as her own progeny.
10 October, 2010
A Cat Feeding A Small Rat in Sivasagar. My birthday present!!! - (It's October
Oh, how I was waiting this... And the video appeared right in my birthday. It
also must have come in the most right moment, with some threats which may come
from the countries between Middle East and China.
This must have been the year of all those real Cats (with all the stories I
found), from past, present, and of course, a future of nursing many more Rats
and Mice!
Yahoo Answers - 21 Nov 2010
"No one really owns a Cat, they cannot be possessed. As for having a Rat as
a pet along with a bunch of Cats, yes, this is very possible. We had a Cat who
miscarried her litter and was grieving over her loss. And a friend had 3 young
Rats who had lost their mother, we put the Rats to nurse with the mama Cat and
this was perfect. Our Cats accepted the new babies as part of our family. Life
expectancy for Rats is only about 3 years, it was sad when they died. We were
just as attached to them had they been feline children. They died within 3 to 6
months of each other. They were such little sweethearts. They never knew they
were Rats.
crafty45 - 2011
an adorable picture - Thank you for sharing that.
our children were growing up, twice we had a Dog and a Cat at the same time.
time we had a gorgeous Calico mother Cat that had four babies. Right in the
middle of the four, we could always find my daughter's Rat, nursing with the
mother Cat would lay and clean those babies by the hour - And she took care of
that Rat just like it was her own baby. In fact, even when the Rat became an
adult, that Cat treated him like her baby.
Page 17
"Arch-enemies form unlikely bond - Fans of cartoon nemesis Tom and Jerry
have reason to be outraged over the show's factual authenticity in Thailand, Cats and rodents apparently
form quite different partnerships. In Samut Prakan Province's Pra Pradaeng District, the
neighbours of Sompong Koocharoen were puzzled to see a two-year-old female Cat
breastfeeding a small baby Rat along with one of her own new-born Kittens.
Sompong said her Cat had just delivered three Kittens on March 1, but two of
them had been separated from their mother and adopted by a friend. She said
that a week after the Kittens were separated, the mother returned home with a
young baby Rat -its body still red and hairless- and put it beside her Kitten.
"I thought she would give food only for her baby, but she let the Rat
drink her milk along with her Kitten", Mrs. Sompong said. The unlikely
family have become a neighborhood sensation, with community members inundating
the household with photo requests.
from Matichon Online".
got a Kitten (Callie) and two baby hooded Rats (Comet and Ajax) on the same
day. They were raised together.
weren’t aware that they weren’t natural friends, they just knew they were
family. When Callie grew up and had Kittens, I was worried that her instincts
to protect her young might provoke her to harm the Rats. These Rats did have a cage,
but it was only to eat in and they had a second one that they used as a litter
box. The rest of the time, they had the run of the house, just like the Cat.
I had reason to be concerned. On the third day, I took the Rats into the room
where Callie had her Kittens. I watched carefully, to see what Comet and Ajax
would do, and to see how Callie would behave with them.
one Rat then the second climbed into the box with Callie and her little family.
They sniffed around at Callie and her babies, then settled in to feed alongside
the Kittens.
it came time to groom her Kittens, she grabbed each of them in turn and cleaned
them and also did the same with each of the Rats. I never worried after that.
They were truly integrated.
mother in her right place...
Here, something I wrote about the excellent mothers
described and shown in this entry:
At Last United
So What Has Made Our People,
From Days Forgotten,
To Fear And Chase Each Other?
And Why Did We Have To Hunt You,
If We Could Love You So Much?
The Time Had To Come For Us
In Which Cats, And Mice, And Rats,
Could At Last Unite Their Lives,
With All The Love Each One Has,
And Everyone Living Free.
For Now We Can't Stand More Chains
Than Those Of Heart, Soul And Milk...
When Your Newborns Need A Mother,
A Mother Cat There Will Be
With Mice Or Rats To Breastfeed.
Even Names Shall Be In The Past...
No Cat Will Hunt Rats And Mice.
We Just Want Them All Alive,
By Mothers Breastfeeding Babes,
And Brothers Sharing Their Meals.
I wrote in other entry: "From the beginning of times, this was commended
to us..." -referring precisely to what all these mothers did- "...And
now at last we started doing it".
now I can see that it happened through all the centuries since we started to
count the time.
I also read in an article: "A Cat has been known to nurse and bring up a
Rat with her own Kittens" ...But it's clear that she wasn't in any way the
exception to the rule, for now the exception is a Cat who doesn't breastfeed
Rats or Mice".
what we really have -at least in some newspapers, because I never found similar
cases in Spanish, for example-, is a wonderful and true never ending story.