jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

"Las Siete Influencias de los Rayos"

Durante el último año pude oir mencionar varias veces ese famoso tema compuesto por John Lennon, "Imagine". Sabiendo lo que dice la letra, se ve enseguida que en todo el mundo no actuaron realmente de acuerdo con esas palabras; ni cuando la oyeron por primera vez, ni después de veinte o treinta años.
Hace poco además pasó lo de París, convirtiendo a Europa en un lugar menos seguro para vivir.
Ese es otro motivo por el cual en esta nueva entrada hablo de las Llamas (Azul, Amarilla, Rosa, Blanca, Verde, Oro Rubí, Violeta), y sus distintos efectos a través de -gráficamente hablando para tener una imagen comprensible- un triángulo invertido de precipitación, siendo ésta una especie de bendición enviada a la Tierra desde muy alto. La imagen se completa con un cuadrado, y todo esto lo aclaro a continuación:
En el ángulo superior izquierdo (no olvidar que está invertido) como en la verdadera Kabbalah, hay un aspecto activo, creador (1): una forma de impulso desencadenante de efectos preferiblemente positivos.
En el derecho, uno pasivo (2): la aceptación o los efectos de ese impulso.
En la punta, "3" representa la forma en que "1" y "2" influyen sobre dos o más integrantes de un grupo.
El cuadrado justo debajo del triángulo, por último, simboliza los efectos a largo plazo en el plano terrenal, de las tres cosas anteriores.
Ahora sólo es cuestión de ver cómo se relacionan todas estas causas y efectos con las siete Llamas de la Metafísica, también denominadas Rayos, y con los distintos tipos de relación que lograron algunos seres.
De cada caso hay afortunadamente muchos ejemplos.

Llama Azul (FIAT VOLUNCTAS TUA) - Es la relacionada con la Voluntad beneficiosa de Dios.
1-Actuar según el Plan Divino de la Reintegración.
2-Aceptación voluntaria del otro Ser.
3-Logros de su vida compartida.
4-Su ejemplo imitado por muchos.
En Newcastle, un Conejo fue encontrado por su dueño en el lugar que tenía para vivir, junto a una Gata y sus hijos recién nacidos (año 1999).
La historia del Gato Percy y las cuarenta Palomas tuvo lugar en Gloucestershire, en 1997.
La Rata Jingles y el Gato Capuccino andaban juntos por la ciudad de Reno antes de ser llevados a un refugio donde serían adoptados.
Un Cervatillo y dos pequeños Tigres en Rumania, en 2002; cuando él entra por accidente a la jaula de ellos y lo sacan, después los tres exigen que vuelvan a dejarlos estar juntos.
Un Leopardo y una Vaca en Antoli suelen pasar varias veces por noche el rato juntos; al parecer, con un tipo de relación Madre-Hijo (2002).
La Gata Mushi y una Osa en Berlin; Mushi había vivido un tiempo con ella y en 2004 pidió que la dejaran entrar adonde estaba la Osa.
Lucia y Camilla, de Bergamo (Italia). La imagen tal vez lo dice todo...

Pero aquí está su historia.

Un Gato acepta aliviar la tristeza de la Orangután Tondalayo en Florida, año 2006.
Un Hamster y una Serpiente; ella no lo quiere como comida y son amigos para siempre; Tokyo, 2006.
Un Águila que en su caso tampoco quiere matar a un Conejo en China, 2008.
El novelista Beverly Nichols tiene durante un tiempo un Gato Persa negro que le regala a una amiga cuando ella se muda a Essex. Pero el Gato extraña al Perro que era su mejor amigo, y vuelve a la casa donde habian vivido juntos.

Tres Guepardos y una Gacela en Kenya, 2010 (Aunque ya están en otra entrada, ahora dejo el link).

Un Puma y un Ciervo...

"I Need To Be With You..."

Una Serpiente está entre dos y tres días en su madriguera con unos cachorritos caídos allí hasta que los rescatan (Punjab, 2013).
Un Lobo y un Burro compartiendo una jaula en Albania, 2007.


Llama Amarilla (DIVINA INTELIGENCIA) - Imaginación, Intuición.
1-Conocimiento universal, enseñanza.
2-Conocimiento individual, aprendizaje.
3-Progreso individual y grupal.
4-Pensamientos y acciones dirigidos al bien común o el de terceros y desconocidos.
El Gato de Kells. Un Gato con características muy especiales, que luego fue representado como un santo por los propios monjes.
Increíblemente no encontré ninguna imagen, pero en este libro está su historia:

Una nativa dejó a su bebé a la sombra de un árbol mientras ella trabajaba. De pronto apareció una manada de Elefantes que se detuvieron al llegar junto a la criatura. Dos o tres de ellos arrancaron ramas del árbol y lo cubrieron cuidadosamente con un manto de follaje antes de alejarse, para que las moscas no molestaran al pequeño dormido.
Leona que defiende a entrenador en Las Vegas, 2012.

Una Foca salva a un Perro de ahogarse en Middlesborough, 2002.

Gatos en general, Perros, Caballos, Elefantes, Delfines, Primates, algunas Aves. Ya es conocida por todos la inteligencia demostrada de distintos modos, por todos los incluídos en esa lista.
Son famosos Hans el Sabio y los otros Caballos de Elberfeld. Hans podia resolver ecuaciones, indicar la fecha y leer una partitura simple. Luego Muhamed y Zarif en apenas dos semanas aprendieron a hacer divisiones y restas. Poco después comenzaron a reconocer letras y al menos Muhamed incluso sacaba raíces cuadradas.

Una Gata protege a un Pájaro con quien había vivido desde siempre, de otro Gato.
"A Cat had been brought up in close friendship with a Bird. Now Birds, you know, are the favorite food of Cats. One day she was seen suddenly to seize and hold in her claws her feathered companion who happened to be out of the cage. The first thought of those who saw her was that, at last, her tiger nature had come out, and that she was going to make a meal of her little trusting friend; but all the Cat did was to hold the trembling Bird still, and, on looking around the room, it was discovered that another Cat had come in, and that catching the Bird was only the means the friendly Cat used to keep it safe till the intruder should leave the room. As soon as the other Cat was gone, she let go the Bird, who was found not in the least hurt".
Tres Leones en Etiopía alejan a siete secuestradores salvando a una joven y permaneciendo con ella hasta que es rescatada por policías, 2005.

Una Gata ayuda a salvar de una pileta a un Cordero avisando a sus dueños en Cheltenham, 2003.

El caso de un Perro que intentó avisar a su dueño, un comerciante francés, de que había olvidado una bolsa con dinero bajo unos arbustos (Dogs and their ways).
Un Hipopótamo ayudó a atravesar un río con Cocodrilos a Cebras, Gnus, Gacelas, etc., 2010.


Llama Rosa (AMOR DIVINO) - Permanencia, fuerza creadora.
1-Deseo de estar con el otro Ser distinto, impulso interior esperando aceptación.
2-Atracción, aceptación del Ser distinto.
3-Cosas y situaciones compartidas.
4-Forma de vida familiar.
Todo esto muy parecido al primer caso, pero involucrando otras cosas. "Yo no te lastimo, tú no me lastimes".
Tigger y Annie en Australia, alrededor de 2008.

Iguana G.G. y Gata Penguin, 2003.
"It is actually not that unusual for an Iguana to get along with a mild-tempered Cat, which Penguin was. But GG really fell in love with her. If they were napping together and I went to pick her up, he'd reach out for her with his little green hand as if to say "Don't go!" He often petted along her back or sides with his little green hand while gazing lovingly into her eyes.
The most touching ting I ever saw was once when they were lying side by side, and he was holding one of her arms in his hand, snd squeezing it over and over while staring at her. It was exactly the way a person might hold the hand of another sick person to comfort them. I was peeking around the corner of the room so GG didn't see me, and then I started to cry (because I well knew that Penguin's days were drawing to an end) and had to go into the bathroom so as not to disturb them".

Pancho y Negra en Argentina.
"Pancho es un Gato Siamés, de 5 años, que está perdidaente enamorado de nuestra Perra Negra. Se pasa todo el día buscando mimos de ella. Además comparten el día con dos Gatas llamadas Loly y Katy, y nuestro Perrito guardián Chonino".

La Chihuahua Wendy y Garby en Argentina.
"Ella y el Gato Garby saben compartir todo. En invierno Wendy duerme sobre Garby. Si alguno está enfermo, el otro no se separa un momento de su lado. y si alguno va a la veterinaria, el otro lo busca por todos los rincones".

Heidi y el Burro Hannibal en Alemania, 2006.
"Love is all around for Heidi and Hannibal - October 19 2006 at 10:21 AM. German Donkey is making an Ass out of herself after falling in love with a Gander.
The farm where the unlikely couple live, in the Saxon town of Cottbus, has been besieged by journalists and curious visitors since the affair featured in local newspaper, the Lausitzer Rundschau.
The Gander, whose name is Hannibal, met Heidi the Donkey when he was put into her enclosure for being too aggressive to be kept with the other birds.
Staff say the couple quickly fell for each other, eating and sleeping together and are now completely inseparable.
The Gander jealously attacks any male Donkeys who go near Heidi. Heidi in turn is not interested in other Donkeys, and follows Hannibal around all day long. - Ananova.com"
Una Loba y un Oso en Finlandia, 2013. Un naturalista les tomó varias fotos mientras comían juntos o se reunían con algunos congéneres de él.

(Si bien el link dice "friendship", lo de ellos más bien es un romance).

Samson y la Paloma Delilah, 2006

Rex y Geraldine, 2013

Tabitha y Dundee Boy, 2015.


Llama Blanca (ASCENSIÓN) - Comunión entre almas.
1-Actitud compasiva, como la de una Leona con un Antílope.
2-Capacidad de rogar sin palabras, por esa compasión.
3-Evolución conjunta.
4-Las experiencias almacenadas en el gran Registro Kármico.

"Two Babies In One Bed"

"Sugar Cubes For Little Kisses"

"My Sister Is A Snake... And That's What I Really Love Of Her"

"My Happiest Breakfast"

"Waking The Baby Tenderly"

"Many Pounds Of Sweetness"

"How sweet dreams come to us"

"The happy family"

"Sin Confianza, No Hay Alianza"

Lobos y Babuinos en Etiopía, 2015.  Ellos lograron formar un vínculo parecido al que la humanidad consiguió con los Lobos primitivos.

Saint Guinefort, otros Animales Santos o con pleno derecho de serlo como la Leona Little Tyke, la Perra Ginny, San Cristóbal (*), el Lobo de Gubbio, otra Leona vegetariana en Allahabad (1934) y un Tigre en Asia (alrededor de 1998), la Perra vegetariana Bramble de Sommerset (2002), una tercera Leona que quiso ser vegetariana pero fue llevada al África (2002), y un León que le pidió a San Pablo ser bautizado (Animals as exemplars of piety).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynocephaly - Aunque la palabra signifique "Cabeza de Perro", San Cristóbal en esa imagen tiene más bien la de un Babuino.


Llama Verde (VERITAS) - Sinceridad, en los momentos buenos y los malos, curación.
1-"No hagas eso, que me molesta".
2-"Ya no haré lo que te molesta".
3-Buen trato recíproco.
4-Demostración de que eso es posible entre dos mentes y formas distintas.
En muchos casos, además de curación hay que incluir en esta lista casos en los cuales se salvan vidas.
Las Gatitas de Simon.
"Our friend had a Dog, and it somehow convinced us that we should bring one into our home. Simon grew to become a 120 pound Dog; he's a Malamute.
We thought Rainbow, our cantankerous feline, would be the biggest challenge. We introduced them very slowly and they became fast friends. They played together, slept together, even bathed each other.
Unfortunately Rainbow developed cancer and Simon lost his best friend.

A few month prior to Rainbow's passing, our daughter adopted Lucy, a tiny Kitten. Lucy lived in her room as we were concerned that Simon would accidentally step on her.
When Rainbow died, poor Simon grieved for days. He would lie on her grave and whine. He wouldn't eat. He wouldn't be consoled. I suggested that Lucy be introduced to Simon.
He sniffed, licked her, and let that tiny Kitten crawl all over him. The Kitten was unafraid. He would not let that Kitten out of his sight. He was extremely careful and never once stepped on her. He carried her in his mouth and the Kitten would curl up on him anywhere and go to sleep.
When it came time to have Lucy neutered, Simon had a fit when he saw us put her in the Cat carrier. He seemed to remember Rainbow went in that and did not come back. He barked and carried on. The vet told us to bring Simon when we picked Lucy up, which we did. Simon was antsy until the time came to get her. He sniffed her, checked out her incision and wagged his tail. He sensed that it was okay. He was extremely gentle with her and would bring her morsels of Cat food while she rested. He kept guard over her and would only let family near her. Lucy soon recuperated and was back to her old self".

En Friburgo (Alemania) hay un monumento a un Pato que salió graznando por una calle haciendo que todos se refugiaran durante la segunda guerra mundial... Justo antes de un devastador ataque aéreo.

Una Gaviota ayuda a salvar a una mujer accidentada (historia corroborada por muchos).
Nancy, la Gaviota a quien dos hermanas solían dar de comer, un día vio a una de ellas, Rachel, al pie de un acantilado. Rachel sólo recuerda haberle pedido que buscara ayuda y Nancy voló hacia la casa donde luego de insistir ruidosamente para atraer la atención de la hermana, consiguió que June la siguiera hasta el lugar donde Rachel se había caído.

Un Perro salva a un Gato mientras lo maltratan.
El Perro vio cuando lo apedreaban y arrastraban por un charco; los ahuyentó uno por uno, sacó enseguida al Gato lastimado y lo llevó a la posada donde vivía. Incluso le trajo comida y desde entonces fueron famosos por su gran amistad (Dogs and their ways).
Un habitante de Magdeburgo, en 1944, dejó un día de afeitarse al oir los persistentes maullidos de un Gato a quien él conocía en el otro extremo de la ciudad. Al abrirle, el Gato en lugar de entrar insistió en hacer que se alejara de la casa incluso tironeándole los pantalones como lo haría un Perro, como exigiéndole que lo hiciera sin pérdida de tiempo. El hombre finalmente empezó a seguirlo, con el Gato mirando hacia atrás una y otra vez para ver si él lo seguía. A dos kilómetros de la casa el Gato se detuvo... Entonces llegaron aviones Lancaster de la Real Fuerza Aérea y en el intenso bombardeo, una de las primeras bombas destruyó la casa que el hombre acababa de dejar.

Historia de Perro y Gata (A Cat and Dog tale).
"A Manx Cat who lived in the same family with a Fox Terrier, developed a great affection for him. On one occasion the Dog, who was seated in a lady's lap, vented his feelings in a long, low whine or howl. The Cat, who was on the hearth rug, looked at the Dog with a sympathetic expression, and at last, apparently unable to listen to his weeping any longer, jumped to the lady's knees, put her hands around the Dog's neck and kissed his cheek with her lips. This occurred twice, the Dog the second time responding by licking her back in the most tenderest manner".

"Salt necesita a su amiga".
Murphy era una Gata que hasta cierto día había sido la dueña de la casa. Ese día llegaron a su casa tres Ratas (Salt, Pepper, Sugar) y luego un Conejo llamado Buford. Murphy no aceptó al Conejo pero se hizo muy amiga de ellas.
Luego llegan otros tres Gatos (Muffet, Misty, Idgy), que también conviven pacifivamente con las Ratas y con Buford.
En cuanto a Murphy y ellas, esto es lo que dice la nota original:
They begin to sleep with her, one with head tucked under her chin, one against her belly. The other Cats notice this and begin to follow her lead, in some cases forming friendships, showing bellies to the Rats, always the ultimate sign of trust, batting at them with claws sheathed, a courtesy ussually extended only to other Cats.

One morning, Murphy does something that forever changes my attitude towards animals in general and to Rats in particular. Salt had developed a sniffle two days before and when that happens there is little we can do except hope for the best.
Salt needs her friend
When I go looking for herm I find her on a pillow, laboring for breath. I stroke her head and she snuggles against me, finally managing to sleep. I leave her, not knowing what to do.
Later, as I sit reading the morning paper with Murphy beside me, the Cat pricks her ears at a small noise on the stairs. I seeit is Salt and for a moment, as she makes her way into the living room, I think she has rallied. She stops in the middle of the living room, then with great difficulty, raises her head.
I realize two things almost simultaneously. Far from rallying, she has become muc worse, each breath has become an immense effort. And it is not the human she is seeking so urgently, it is her Cat friend Murphy. She goes to the Cat, moving with great difficulty. Murphy receives her, curling one arm around her, drawing Salt closer as if to protect her. Then, gently, comfortingly, the Cat begins to lick the head of the Rat. Salt, snuggling closer one last time, rests her head on the hands of her friend and gives a small sigh, dying seconds later.

Un Gato ayuda en la recuperacion de los pacientes.
...Estuvo al borde de la muerte y ahora intenta evitar que a otros les pase lo mismo.

Una Gata, compañera y guía para un Perro ciego, 2012.

Los Animales que ayudan a vivir mejor a parapléjicos y otros incapacitados por algún motivo, si bien son entrenados, usan mucho de voluntad propia para hacerlo.
Un Mono que limpia de insectos a un ave en Shenzen, 2005
; aunque es común entre ellos, el acicalamiento es una forma de mejorar la relación. .

Un Hipopótamo que trató de revivir a una pequeña Gacela.


Llama Oro Rubí (PROVIDENCIA) - Brindar y recibir.
1-Alegría, búsqueda del distinto necesitado de cuidados maternales.
2-Capacidad de provocar ese impulso.
3-Relación plena y de por vida, de madre e hijo/a.
4-Triunfo de la bondad sobre las leyes de supervivencia y las normas generalmente aceptadas.
La Leona Kamunyak en Kenya (2001 y 2002),
Las adopciones más comunes entre Gatos y Perros; luego, Gatas y Perras con Ardillas, Conejos, Erizos, Tigres, Leones, Leopardos, Monos, Zorrinos, Zorros, Comadrejas, Lobos, Cabras, Venados, Cerditos, Corderos, Mapaches, Ratas, Ratones o Patitos.
Vacas, Tigresas, Osas, Leonas, una Pantera, Leopardos, etc., haciendo lo mismo incluso por nosotros; dos o tres Perras que amamantaron últimamente bebés humanos, una Gata en Rusia con un niño abandonado en 2015, y mujeres como Kine Skiaker de Noruega, 2002. En este caso, por cierto, elogiaron su decisión y los últimos años cada vez que una mujer hace lo mismo todos parecen estar en contra... ¿Qué pasó entonces, desde esa vez, para que estuviera mal si alguna mujer amamantaba a uno o más Perritos o a cualquier otro animal recién nacido?
Leonas que adoptan, o intentan hacerlo, un Babuino, una Gacela, un Gnu, y una que se sintió perturbada al ver un Antílope aún no nacido de su víctima.

Eso tal vez signifique un nuevo grado de comprensión acerca del proceso previo a los nacimientos... Y ojalá sea así.

Legadema (Lagedima)* en el Delta del Okavango de Botswana, 2006.
Mató a una madre Babuino pero intentó por todos los medios adoptar a su bebé.
La Cabra que amamanta un Lobo en China (2010).
(Amigos, por supuesto, no... Madre e hijo, fueron).

Un Cisne negro llevándole comida en la boca a unos peces en el mismo país.

Otros dos haciendo lo mismo.
(*): Okavango ("¡Jardín Africano del Edén!"); Legadema ("¡Luz del Cielo!").


Llama Violeta (PERDÓN, TRANSMUTACIÓN) - Registro Kármico de cada Corriente Vital.
1-Vínculo inmediato con el otro.
2-Aceptación inmediata, apego instantáneo.
3-Reconocimiento interno inmediato de dos Seres.
4-Enseñanza y aprendizaje simultáneos.
El Pez que habla, en Nueva York, 2003 (por el aspecto de Registro Kármico, en este caso).


Una Gata ayuda a un Perro para que disfrute una comida.
I had -says Mr. Wenzel. -a Cat and Dog who became so attached to each other, that they would never willingly be asunder. Whenever the Dog got any choice morsel of food, he was sure to divide it with his whiskered friend. They always ate sociably out of one plate, slept in the same bed, and daily walked out together. Wishing to put this apparently sincere friendship to the proof, I took the Cat one day into my room while the Dog was in another apartment. I entertained the Cat in a most sumptuous manner, trying to see what sort of meal she would make without her constant table companion. The Cat enjoyeed the meal, apparently having forgotten him. I had had a partridge for dinner, half of which I intended to keep for supper. My wife covered it with a plate and put it into a cupboard, the door of which he did not lock.

Later, the Cat, having hastily left the room, went to the Dog, and meowed uncommongly loud in different tones of voice, answered from time to time with a short bark. Then they went both to the door of the room where the Cat had dined, and waited till it was opened. One of my children opened the door and immediately the two friends entered the apartment. The meowing of the Cat excited my wife's attention and she went to observe what was going on.
The Cat led the Dog to the cupboard which contained the partridge, pushed off the plate which covered it and laid my intended supper before her canine friend who ate it quickly. Probably the Cat by her meowing had given the Dog to understand what an excellent meal she had made and how sorry she was that he had not participated in it, but at the same time, had given him to understand that something was left for him and persuaded him to follow her thither.
Leona y Suricato en Sudáfrica, 2010.

Lobos y Babuinos en Etiopía, 2015, también en este caso. Además de su evolución conjunta (Llama Blanca), interviene en su relación especial el cuarto aspecto de este Rayo.

...Y con tantos ejemplos, recientes o de hace unos diez años, si Cristo se manifestara en cada uno de esos Seres -y debería poder decir, ser uno de ellos-, el mundo ya podría haberse renovado para siempre como anuncian tantos libros.

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2015

The Followers Of Kamunyak

Something is happening in Africa,
since the beginning of this new millenium...
And it's very good to see.

Before 2001, I didn't find any news of what you can see here.
Which means, certainly, that only with Kamunyak
the hunters we knew so well
started to act in a very different way.

In this video you can see the Lioness who didn't care
about starving herself to protect her first Oryx calf.

I want to live with you, you know.

Sharing a good rest.

Can you stay with me?

I'm so sorry, please forgive me.
(She found an unborn baby after killing the Antelope,
then felt very perturbed for that).

A group of tourists saw them running together from their vehicle.

This is MY baby, now

Well, the URL says it all... And for us, what's important
with these stories is that the example given by Mother Kamunyak
has been followed by many, since the years of her adoptions.

miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

"Things We Surely Need, In These So Technologic Times"

All the things we can't explain in spite of our scientific advances and discoverings, makes the hyper-technified life of these days more attractive and mysterious.
Mostly because we need this kind of things, here's a selection of findings and facts of our world that science and history still can't explain.

Svergies Television, which set up cameras on Sweden's Storsjon or Great Lake, has released images of a blurry, long and narrow silhouette moving in the depths said to be the famous Swedish sea monster. The "Sweden's Loch Ness Monster" was first mentioned in print in 1635 and 500 people have reported 200 sightings since then.

Taos Hum, New Mexico:
A mysterious noise heard in the distance, resembling hidden -or unseen- engines. Sounds like this have been reported through all the world, sometimes described as coming from the sky.

The Voynich manuscript was written in a language that men through the centuries have tried to decode with no success.

In the mysterious Easter Islands where the Moai stands, a set of glyphs have been discovered, called the Rongorongo. Like the mentioned manuscript, they were never at least partially translated.

Chinese mosaic lines:
These strange lines are found at coordinates: 40°27’28.56″N, 93°23’34.42″E. They're located in the desert of the Gansu Sheng province in China.

Unexplained stone doll:
The July 1889 find in Nampa, Idaho, of a small human figure during a well-drilling operation caused intense scientific interest last century. Unmistakably made by human hands, it was found at a depth of 320 feet which would place its age far before the arrival of man in this part of the world.

The Lolladoff plate:
12,000 year old stone dish found in Nepal. Is that a flying saucer and the other figure one of the pilots?

Ancient rocket ship:
This ancient cave painting from Japan is dated to be more than 5000 BC.

Turkey's Gobekly:
This site is composed of more than 200 pillars arranged in 20 circles. Gobekly Tepe was built more than 13,000 years before Stonehenge.

WOW SIgnal:
This 72 seconds signal appeared to have originated from the Sagittarius Constellation near a star called Tau Sagittarii, 120 light years away.

Baghdad batteries, at least 2,000 years before 20th Century:
Some theorize that an acidic liquid was used to generate an electric current inside the jar.

-From various sources-

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Facts And Myths Of My Favorite Reptile

Here you will read something about the reptile who became my favorite since the first documentary I saw showing this big Lizard.

Komodo Dragons have a hard life until they're 4 or 5 years old, but since then, they can live as the strongest predators mainly in that island.
These reptiles can weigh up to around 90 kilograms and grow up to 3.0 meters; they have a tail as long as the body, short but strong arms and legs, and about 60 serrated teeth that can measure up to about 2.5 centimeters.
Their bite, it was discovered not long ago, is lethal for any of their preys but only because of the venom glands that they use just like some Snakes and other Lizards.

Once upon a time, a princess of the world of spirits lived on Komodo Island. Her name was Epa or Dragon Princess. She was married to a human named Majo.
By tradition of the village, childbirth should not be through the normal process but through a 'surgery operation' by using the blade of bamboo skin by a midwife.
She conceived and gave birth to an egg she kept in a cave. A Komodo Dragon hatched out of the egg and was given the name Ora. A child, Gerong, was born at the same time.
When they were kids, the twins lived peacefully under the care of their parents.
But, as time went by, Ora was growing up and slowly showed her aggressive and malignant characters. Her appetite also changed. She did not want any longer to eat ‘rampi’, a rice dish made of the fruits of cabbage palm tree that was then the staple food of people on Komodo Island. Instead, she started to prey cattle of the local villagers.
The villagers could not accept Ora’s behavior. They finally agreed to cast her out of the village. Ora went away and lived in the jungle. Despite being in exile, Ora still visits her hometown once in a while to see her twin brother Gerong.
The story continued. It was told that Gerong as a youth often hunted Deer in the jungle. One day, when he was about to take a Deer he had killed, a big Lizard appeared from the bush and ate his Deer. Taken by surprise, Gerong immediately grabbed his spear to kill the giant Lizard. But suddenly, her mother, Dragon Princess came, preventing Gerong from killing the Lizard. She told him that the Lizard was Ora, Gerong’s sibling. Gerong calmed down and behaved kindly toward Ora.

Locals on Komodo Island believe the story above dates back to time immemorial.
Based on it, the residents of Komodo Island believe that they are the descendants of Gerong, while the Komodo Dragons living also on the island are those of Ora. That is why local people can live peacefully together with these animals and treat them humanely. They have emotional ties.
They feed aged Komodos who are no longer capable of stalking prey, while the youngsters are free to chase Deer and other animals in the forest.
For a similar reason, most of rangers at the Komodo National Park have been recruited from the native tribe of the island, Ata Modo. There is a myth that the tribe can communicate with the ancient Dragon.
The cave where Ora is said to have hatched is called Loang Atawini. There, the grave of Majo is also highly venerated. The Dragon Princess herself has no burial place, because locals feel certain that she is immortal and comes back when necessary to protect the island.

Until now, the relationship between Komodo Dragons and locals still feels intimate and emotionally very close to them.
Such a familiar feeling like this is almost perceived by outsiders or people who visited the village.
Komodo Dragons can come in and roam freely in the village and sleep under villagers’ traditional, house on stilts without being disturbed by the hustle and bustle of the local residents. Locals also never feel disturbed or concerned of the existence of the ancient animal in their midst.
Considered the original inhabitants of Komodo, for them Dragons are ancestors.
Even to show respect to their ancestor, Ata Modo people hold a special ritual every year called ‘aru gele’, a traditional ceremony of pounding the fruits of cabbage palm tree. The rite was a symbol in a memory of the parents of Ora and Gerong who fed their children with cabbage palm fruits a long time ago.

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014

Concerning Some Animal Brides / Grooms

Having seen stories about the Selkies and the McCodrums, I thought I could make an entry about this kind of folk tales where Animals become brides or grooms.
There are many tales of marriages between humans and Seals in Scottish and Irish tradition. Some families are supposed to be descended from the Seal People, and their children were born with webs of skin between their fingers and toes.
Members of the Clan MacCodrum of South Uils have been known as the Children of the Seals.

Selkies, sometimes called Silkies, are Seals with the magic ability to turn into men or women when they leave their skin on the coast after getting out of the water. If at that time a fisherman finds one of the skins belonging to a Seal turned into a woman, he takes it forcing her to follow him to his house and live out of the water until she recovers the stolen skin. But not without having lived far from her underwater home for years and even giving children to her kidnapper. However, eventually one of her children helps unknowingly his mother to recover her precious object, and she returns at last with her real family turned again into a Seal.
This kind of legends generally includes Skin-Changers, and even in Africa we can find them:
"A hunter in Chad found an Elephant skin and hid it. Soon he saw a lovely big girl crying, because she had lost her good clothes. The hunter promised her new clothes and married her. They had many big children, for the son of an Elephant can't be a dwarf. One day when the grainstore was empty, his wife found the Elephant skin where the hunter had hidden it, so she put it on and returned to her old life as an Elephant. Her sons became the ancestors of the clan whose totem was the Elephant, and they don't have fear of them".

Others instead have very tragic ends, like the following story.
There was once a young girl called Yaiwa who went far from her home in Wujyashima and walked alone to the mesa where she played, running behind the low tide waves and going backwards before the breaking waves.
A Sea Wolf in love was watching her without being noticed, and when a big wave made her fall, she found with the animal beside her.
Like all the Yagan women, the girl was an excellent swimmer, and thus tried to escape. But keeping between her and the beach and forcing her to go even more far from the coast, the Sea Wolf finally managed to extenuate her and then she found herself forced to hold to his neck.
Now that her life depended of him, a little later the girl also fell in love with the Sea Wolf. They swam together for many miles until they reached a big rock where there was a cave. The woman knew that she couldn't return home by her own, so she decided to stay with the Sea Wolf in the cave. He would bring abundant fish for her and, having no fire, she would eat them raw.
After some time they had a child. He looked like a human, but covered with hair like a Seal. Their son grew up quickly and was a good companion for his mother specially since he learned to talk, something that the old Sea Wolf would never do. Nevertheless, her husband was so kind and 
sweet-hearted that she had got to love him greatly.
But in spite of all, the woman wanted with all her heart to see once again her homeland and her people. She made her husband understand her desire and one good day they went to Wujyashima. Some times mother and son swam side by side with their protector; ocassionally he would push them in the water at great speed and some times they went on his back. At last they arrived to the gravel mesa. The Sea Wolf crawled out of the water and started to rest under the warm rays of the Sun, as the mother -with her strange son by her hand- walked to Wujyashima.
In the village she found some relatives who thought her dead long time ago. Great was their surprise when the woman told them her story and were very interested in her strange son.
When the commotion had ended, the women of the village proposed to go to the west in search of Mussels and those Sea Urchins that have the size and form of flattened apples and whose hard shell is covered of rigid barbs resembling nails. The young mother joined them while children and men stayed there waiting for their return.
The other children began to play and the newcomer joined them. The village men, wanting meat instead of Mussels or Sea Urchins, and knowing that on the beach there was a Seal took their spears and found the old Sea Wolf and killed him. With all that meat, they returned to the village and grilled it. The children smelt the delicious smell of grilled meat went quick to gather around the fire. When the moment came to share the food, a piece was also given to the young visitor and he, after tasting it, said delighted "It's meat of Seal!"
Still eating, he started to run by the road to reunite with his mother who was returning that very moment. The boy ran to his mother and offered her the last piece of meat saying how delicious it was. She inmmediately discovered what had happened; took an Urchin from her basket and hit with it her son in his forehead. The boy fell into the deep water and turned instantly into Suyna, the Fish of the Rocks, went away swimming.
The other women went to the huts to enjoy the cooked meat of Seal but the mother refused to eat and mourned alone for her lost son and her beloved companion. She never married after this any of her own race, and still can be seen crying for having lost the two beings she loved so much.
If one examinates a Suyna will see that the head is flattened and marked with little holes left by the Sea Urchin barbs, which is enough to prove the veracity of this tale.

In this story, by the way, you can see easily two things: the Animal groom was always a Sea Wolf, and the magical transformation came only to their son, leaving to us the mystery about why he turned into a Fish just because of falling to the sea.
The second is, something so apparently trivial and brief has been enough to create a whole story, even if a woman indeed married a Sea Wolf but having nothing to do with the rest of this myth.

sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

Seres Humanos Y Otras Personas

Desde hace unos años hay instalada una discusión en los foros de internet, relacionada con el tema del título que le di a esta entrada: la de los Animales como personas.
¿Qué cosas hacen a una persona o a un grupo de ellas?, dirán en algún lado.

Lo primero y elemental, tal vez, será la capacidad de organizarse. Pero eso también lo consiguen los Leones (no siguen todos a un jefe, sino que cada uno tiene un lugar en la jerarquía). Los Lobos son dirigidos por dos líderes pero logran igualmente un gran nivel de organización tanto grupal como individual.
Y a su modo, sus descendientes -los que conviven en nuestros hogares desde hace milenios-, hacen lo mismo cuando forman jaurías.

Lo segundo debería ser la forma del vínculo entre dos individuos, de igual o distinta especie. La mencionada jerarquía influye sobre esto cuando un Lobo forma familia con una Loba creando una relación de por vida muy parecida a nuestros casamientos.

En tercer lugar -y originada en lo anterior-, la posibilidad de sentir tristeza si un integrante del grupo o de la pareja que se formó muere o desaparece por algún motivo.
De esto, como se sabe, hay innumerables ejemplos; y no sólo son casos entre madre e hijo pertenecientes a una misma especie, sino entre madres e hijos de otras especies como Kamunyak y sus bebés Oryxes.
Siendo los sentimientos hasta hoy algo perteneciente a un número indeterminado de especies aunque sólo nosotros sepamos identificarlos, nos encontramos ante otro misterio casi imposible de develar.
Aparte de esto encontramos vínculos de amistades -Gatos y Perros, los más comunes-, en los que si uno de los dos desaparece o muere el otro cae en un estado de tristeza casi interminable.

Esto nos habla claramente de una capacidad relacionada con la memoria; los casos más conocidos se encuentran entre los Elefantes, pero igualmente muchos otros Animales la tienen bastante desarrollada.

El quinto elemento a favor es el nivel de comunicación, sea con alguien de su especie o de otra con la cual comparta una casa. Aquí se incluye particularmente la forma en que nos observan, principalmente, los Perros.

Las dos últimas características importantes son la habilidad para engañar con un plan elaborado de antemano o al menos intencional, y la de reconocerse frente al espejo; esto lo hacen Elefantes, Delfines y Chimpancés. Se dice que algunos Perros también lo hacen al ver su imagen reflejada.
Y con respecto a los Gatos, ahora algunos también les dan ese nuevo grado en su relación con ellos.

El caso es que este año 2014, en la India, se efectuó un reclamo para que los Elefantes fueran considerados personas y dejaran de ser definitivamente mantenidos en circos, a veces por desgracia muy mal tratados. Todo esto a pesar de la ley que prohíbe tener Animales en esos lugares creados para nuestra diversión.
Con ese reconocimiento, podrían tener los mismos derechos que nosotros y tendrían que pensarlo antes de matarlos o hacerlos sufrir como ocurre incluso hoy.
Ahora que recomenzó la polémica, también quieren incluir Ballenas, por lo cual contando estas dos especies, en total parece haber Ballenas, Chimpancés (tal vez otros primates), Delfines, Elefantes, Gatos y Perros.

Es de esperar por lo tanto que pronto estén en esa lista Tigres y Leopardos así como otros vecinos que tenemos en nuestro propio planeta, quienes por el momento están enfrentando el serio peligro de desaparecer para siempre.

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Dragones para todos

Blancos, dorados, naranjas, rojos, púrpuras, negros, grises, azules, celestes, verdes... Tal vez nunca hayan Dragones suficientes para colmar nuestro más oculto deseo de ver a uno de ellos personalmente.
Ese deseo está en todos nosotros aunque sea por distintos motivos... El científico más racionalista del mundo deseará ver uno para estudiarlo como especie nueva; un filósofo al verlo tratará de formular nuevas ideas e hipótesis.
Un botánico se preguntará si también come plantas o pequeñas frutas; algún zoólogo querrá establecer y comparar medidas en relación con otros ejemplares del Reino Animal.
Un escritor buscará datos para hacer una historia sobre él y un artista querrá representarlo en pintura o modelando una escultura. Los ejemplos, aquí también, son innumerables.

...Así que, por lo menos, dejo estas imágenes para que cualquiera de los mencionados arriba pueda hacer su trabajo particular.

Two Becoming One In Love
-Katherina Romanova-

We´re Not So Different
-Layout Sparks-

My Wrath Is Like The Sun
-Stuff Point-

Burning A Cold Dawn In Winter

I Bring Good News, My Lord

...When The Sun Attacked Us
-Lukasz Matuszek-

The Living God Of This World

Summer Love
-Iasha Bolton-

Everything Here Is Mine

I'm Very Happy Of Being Your Daughter

I'll Never Ever Leave You
-Anne Stokes-

The One King Of The Mountain

Don't Say I'm Bad Only For My Color!

Inner Light In The Darkest Places
-Stuff Point-